



Tools for relation extraction with FCM.

These tools are used in the following paper:

Mo Yu, Matthew R. Gormley, Mark Dredze. Combining Word Embeddings and Feature Embeddings for Fine-grained Relation Extraction. NAACL 2015.

################### #CODE DESCRIPTION:# ###################

We provide two tools in this package:

####################################### #Feature-Rich Compositional Model(FCM)# ####################################### code/fcm:

We build the tools for ACE and ERE relation extraction on top of the FCM code from https://github.com/Gorov/FCM_nips_workshop.

####### #LRFCM# ####### code/lrfcm:

The code for low-rank FCM proposed in our paper.

################### #DATA DESCRIPTION:# ################### data_split/{ace|ere}/:

Our data split for ACE 2005 and ERE.


The word embeddings used in our paper (filtered based on the ACE and ERE vocabulary).


If you want to cite this tool, please using the following bibtext:


author = {Yu, Mo and Gormley, Matthew R. and Dredze, Mark},

title = {Combining Word Embeddings and Feature Embeddings for Fine-grained Relation Extraction},

booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies},

month = {May--June},

year = {2015},

address = {Denver, Colorado},

publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},

pages = {1374--1379},

url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N15-1155} }

For questions, comments or to report bugs, please contact gflfof@gmail.com