


<center> <img style="border-radius: 0.3125em; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(34,36,38,.12),0 2px 10px 0 rgba(34,36,38,.08);" src="figs/framework.png"> </center>


This work is trained on YCB-Video and LineMOD dataset, and tested on YCB-Video and LineMOD&Occlusion LineMOD respectively.


Trained weights

DCL-NetYCB-VideoMean ADD-S AUC: 95.8<br> Mean ADD-S<2cm: 99.0URL
refinerYCB-VideoMean ADD-S AUC: 96.6<br> Mean ADD-S<2cm: 99.0URL
DCL-NetLineMOD<br>Occlusion LineMODMean ADD(S)<0.1d: 99.5<br> Mean ADD(S)<0.1d: 70.6URL

Download and unzip these files, and put them into "log" directory for evaluation, please refer to Code Structure section for more detail.

Example training/evaluation

After you have downloaded and setup the environment, simply execute the corresponding shell script to train or evaluate DCL-Net.

bash scripts/script_eval_YCBV_stage1.sh
bash scripts/script_train_YCBV_stage1.sh

Code Structure

|--- configs
|--- |--- config_LM.yaml: Configuration for the experiments of LineMOD/Occlusion LineMOD dataset.
|--- |--- config_YCBV_32/40.yaml: Configurations for the experiments of YCB-Video dataset.

|--- datasets
|--- |--- Linemod_preprocessed: The LineMOD dataset, .
|--- |--- occlusion_linemod: The Occlusion LineMOD dataset, from HybridPose.
|--- |--- LMO_Masks: The masks for the evaluation of Occlusion LineMOD(the prediction of HybridPose.
|--- |--- YCB_Video_Dataset: The YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- YCBV_Masks: The masks for the evaluation of YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- |--- Masks_PVN3D: The masks predicted by PVN3D.
|--- |--- |--- Masks_FFB6D: The masks predicted by FFB6D.

|--- LM:
|--- |--- dataloader_train_LM.py: The dataloader for the training set of LineMOD dataset.
|--- |--- dataloader_test_LM.py: The dataloader for the test set of LineMOD dataset.
|--- |--- dataloader_test_LMO.py: The dataloader for the test set of Occlusion LineMOD dataset.

|--- YCBV
|--- |--- dataloader_train_YCBV.py: The dataloader for the training set of YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- dataloader_test_YCBV.py: The dataloader for the test set of YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- utils_YCBV
|--- |--- |--- train_data_list.txt: The list of the training set for YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- |--- test_data_list.txt: The list of the test set for YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- CADs: The CAD models of YCB-Video dataset.

|--- libs
|--- |--- pointgroup_ops: Some operations of sparse tensor, refers to PointGroup.
|--- |--- pointnet_ops: Some operations for the pointcloud, such as knn, refers to PointNet++.
|--- |--- pointnet_sp: Some operations for the pointcloud, where the dimension of batch_id is also considered.
|--- |--- spconv: The lib of Sparse Convolution, refers to spconv.

|--- models
|--- |--- DCL_Net.py: The proposed DCL-Net.
|--- |--- refiner.py: The proposed refiner.
|--- |--- Modules.py: Some basic modules for the construction of network.

|--- scripts
|--- |--- script_train_LM.sh: A shell script to execute the training process of DCL-Net on LineMOD dataset conveniently.
|--- |--- script_eval_LM.sh: A shell script to execute the evaluation of DCL-Net on LineMOD dataset conveniently.
|--- |--- script_eval_LMO.sh: A shell script to execute the evaluation of DCL-Net on Occlusion LineMOD dataset conveniently.
|--- |--- script_train_YCBV_stage1.sh: A shell script to execute the training of DCL-Net on YCB-Video dataset conveniently.
|--- |--- script_train_YCBV_stage2.sh: A shell script to execute the training of refiner on YCB-Video dataset conveniently.
|--- |--- script_eval_YCBV_stage1.sh: A shell script to execute the evaluation of DCL-Net on YCB-Video dataset conveniently.
|--- |--- script_eval_YCBV_stage2.sh: A shell script to execute the evaluation of DCL-Net+refiner on YCB-Video dataset conveniently.

|--- tools
|--- |--- train_LM.py: A python script describe the detailed training process of DCL-Net on LineMOD dataset.
|--- |--- test_LM.py: A python script describe the detailed evaluation process of DCL-Net on LineMOD dataset.
|--- |--- test_LMO.py: A python script describe the detailed evaluation process of DCL-Net on Occlusion LineMOD dataset.
|--- |--- train_YCBV_stage1.py: A python script, describing the detailed training process of DCL-Net on YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- train_YCBV_stage2.py: A python script, describing the detailed training process of refiner on YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- test_YCBV_stage1.py: A python script, describing the detailed evaluation process of DCL-Net on YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- test_YCBV_stage2.py: A python script, describing the detailed evaluation process of DCL-Net+refiner on YCB-Video dataset.

|--- log
|--- |--- DCL_Net_config_YCBV_bs32_id0: Contains the checkpoint and also the training/test log of an experiment that is based on the "DCL-Net" model and "config_YCBV_bs32" configuration on YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- refiner_refiner_config_YCBV_bs40_id0_model_DCL_Net_config_YCBV_bs32_id0_epoch_84: Contains the checkpoint and also the training/test log of an experiment for refiner based on "DCL_Net_config_YCBV_bs32_id0" on YCB-Video dataset.
|--- |--- DCL_Net_config_LM_id0: Contains the checkpoint and also the training/test log of an experiment that is based on the "DCL-Net" model and "config_LM" configuration on LineMOD.

|--- utils:

|--- figs

|--- README.md