

<img src="logo/KptLogoLarge.png" width="220">

kpt: Automate Kubernetes Configuration Editing

kpt is a package-centric toolchain that enables a WYSIWYG configuration authoring, automation, and delivery experience, which simplifies managing Kubernetes platforms and KRM-driven infrastructure (e.g., Config Connector, Crossplane) at scale by manipulating declarative Configuration as Data.

Configuration as Data is an approach to management of configuration which:

See the FAQ for more details about how kpt is different from alternatives.

Why kpt?

kpt enables WYSIWYG editing and interoperable automation applied to declarative configuration data, similar to how the live state can be modified with imperative tools.

See the rationale for more background.

The best place to get started and learn about specific features of kpt is to visit the kpt website.

Install kpt

kpt installation instructions can be found on kpt.dev/installation

kpt components

The kpt toolchain includes the following components:


You can read about the big upcoming features in the roadmap doc.


If you are interested in contributing please start with contribution guidelines.


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