

Dataflow Cookbook


The goal of the cookbook is to provide ready-to-launch and selfcontained pipelines so that creating new pipelines becomes easier. The examples in the cookbook are the most common use cases when using Dataflow.

When possible, the pipeline parameters are prepopulated to include public resources in order for the pipelines to be as easy to execute as possible. When actions are required from the user, there should be a pipeline parameter option for you to fill and / or a comment stating that the pipeline needs preparation, for example Java/gcs/MatchAllContinuouslyFileIO.


The cookbook contains examples for Java, Python and Scala.



Scala / Scio

Setting up the environment

Launching Dataflow Jobs


To launch the dataflow jobs run in your terminal (using basics/groupByKey as example):

mvn compile -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=basics.groupByKey \
-Dexec.args="--runner=DataflowRunner --region=$REGION \

In some pipelines you would need to add arguments, for example in bigquery.WriteDynamicBQ you need to add a dataset:

mvn compile -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=bigquery.WriteDynamicBQ \
-Dexec.args="--runner=DataflowRunner --region=$REGION \
--tempLocation=gs://$BUCKET/tmp/ --dataset=$DATASET"

The extra parameters needed can be seen in the pipeline code, checking the pipeline options.


To launch the dataflow jobs run in your terminal (using basics/group_by_key.py as example):

python group_by_key.py --runner DataflowRunner --project $PROJECT \
--region $REGION --temp_location gs://$BUCKET/tmp/

In some pipelines you would need to add arguments, for example in bigquery/write_bigquery.py you need to add a output table:

python write_bigquery.py --runner DataflowRunner --project $PROJECT \
--region $REGION --temp_location gs://$BUCKET/tmp/ --output_table $MY_TABLE

The extra parameters needed can be seen in the pipeline code, checking the pipeline options class.

NOTE: If you want to name the pipeline, add --job_name=my-pipeline-name.

Scala / Scio

To launch the dataflow jobs run in your terminal (using basics/GroupByKey as example):

sbt "runMain basics.GroupByKey --runner=DataflowRunner --region=$REGION \

In some pipelines you would need to add arguments, for example in bigquery/WriteStreamingInserts you need to add a table:

sbt "runMain bigquery.WriteStreamingInserts --runner=DataflowRunner --region=$REGION \
--tempLocation=gs://$BUCKET/tmp/ --table=$MY_TABLE"

The extra parameters needed can be seen in the pipeline code, checking for opts or opts.getOrElse.