

Cloud Run "Hello" container source code

This repository contains the source code of multiple sample applications.

Hello service

A sample service implemented in Go and distributed as a public container image. It is used in the Cloud Run quickstart and is a suggested container image in the Cloud Run UI on Cloud Console.

Configuration Options

Set the COLOR environment variable to a valid CSS color to change the background color.

<a href="https://deploy.cloud.run?dir=service"><img src="https://deploy.cloud.run/button.svg" alt="Run on Google Cloud" height="40"/></a>

Hello job

A sample job implemented in Go and distributed as a public container image. It is used in the Cloud Run quickstart and is a suggested container image in the Cloud Run UI on Cloud Console.

Placeholder service

A sample service implemented in Go and distributed as a public container image. It is used to create a placeholder revision when setting up Continuous Deployment.