Useful Puppeteer demos!
Examples for using Puppeteer to do big, bold things.
Output from some of the examples:
Test lazy loading strategy by seeing CSS/JS code coverage usage across page load.
<img width="500" alt="screen shot 2018-02-26 at 10 20 41 am" src="">verify_sw_caching.js
Verify all the resources you expect are being cached by a service worker for offline.
<img width="500" alt="screen shot 2018-03-01 at 5 09 32 pm" src="">google_search_features.js
Gut check your page to make sure it renders correctly for Google Search.
<img width="500" alt="screen shot 2018-03-07 at 12 50 32 pm" src="">lazyimages_without_scroll_events.js
Determine if your lazy loaded images will be seen correctly by Google Search.
<img width="500" alt="screen shot 2018-10-09 at 12 15 10 pm" src="">speech.js
Make your browser talk.
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img width="500" alt="Speech demo in action" src=""> </a>pacman.js
Play the Google Pac-Man Doodle.
<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> <img width="500" alt="ePlaying Puppeteer Pacman" src=""> </a>element-to-pdf.js
Turn a DOM element into a PDF.
<img width="500" alt="elemen-to-pdf output example" src="">crawlsite.js
Discover all the URLs on a site and visualize the subpages.
<img width="500" alt="Crawl a site/SPA" src="">side-by-side-pageload.js
Load 2 or more pages side-by-side to visually see the difference in page load. Optional desktop viewport and throttling settings.
<img width="500" alt="Side by side page load" src="">License
Apache 2.0 © 2018 Google Inc.