

Node Big Rig

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Node Big Rig comes in two flavors:

  1. A module for doing trace analysis inline to other tasks.
  2. A CLI tool.

Big Rig CLI

Both the module and CLI perform the same analysis as the web app, just without a UI. This makes it a good fit for use in CI environments, or as part of bigger workflows.



npm install -g bigrig


npm install bigrig



To use the CLI you call bigrig and pass it the path to a trace file:

bigrig --file /path/to/trace.json

This will, by default, simply return a JSON string that you can parse or manipulate as you see fit.

If you wish to see a pretty printed version, add the --pretty-print flag:

bigrig --file /path/to/trace.json --pretty-print

You should then see a pretty printed output of the time breakdown for the trace.


You can also use Big Rig's module as part of a wider workflow.

var bigrig = require('bigrig');
var fs = require('fs');

// Read trace file contents.
fs.readFile('/path/to/trace.json', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
  if (err)
    throw err;

  results = bigrig.analyze(data);

  // Now do something with the results, like
  // post to a dashboard.

Getting a trace

You can get a trace from:

Please note: you can only have one tab open when running the trace. If you have multiple tabs Big Rig won't be able to disambiguate and process the correct tab. You should also ideally disable any extensions you have running, as these can skew results. You can add the --strict flag if you want Big Rig to throw an error when it encounters extensions.




Paul Lewis - @aerotwist


The tracing code is a manipulated version of Chrome's Trace Viewer. A huge thanks to the Chromium engineers for making it possible to analyze traces.

Please note: this is not an official Google product.