


GGTabBar is a simple UITabBar & UITabBarController replacement that uses Auto Layout for constructing the GUI. I created it for curiosity, but it may be useful to others who adventure into the land of Auto Layout.

Build Status


:warning: This is a work in progress/proof of concept, I'm no expert. Sorry if it's missing some feature you need, feel free to fork, pull request or open issues. I'm available on Twitter if you have further questions :grimacing::ok_hand:

Limitations :bomb:



pod 'GGTabBar', '~> 0.0.2'


Just copy the GGTabBar folder into your Xcode project.

Usage :rocket:

:warning: Your UIViewControllers must set their tabBarItem images (selected/normal).


Init and customize

GGTabBarController *tabBar = [[GGTabBarController alloc] init];
tabBar.tabBarAppearanceSettings = @{kTabBarAppearanceHeight : @(100.0)}; // in points
tabBar.viewControllers = @[vc1, vc2, vc3, vc4];
self.window.rootViewController = tabBar;


:warning: remember to add GGTabBar.h into your project's Swift Bridging Header.

var tabBar: GGTabBarController = GGTabBarController()
tabBar.tabBarAppearanceSettings = [kTabBarAppearanceHeight : 100.0];
tabBar.viewControllers = [vc1, vc2, vc3, vc4]
self.window!.rootViewController = tabBar

:warning: Feel free to explore the provided Example Project to check out how to use GGTabBar.

Structure :wine_glass:

All the views are setup with Auto Layout. There are no CGRect, Struts or Sprints, so unless you break the constraints, everything should work on different screen-sizes.

If you want more information about how the AutoLayout Constraints are specified, please take a look at the tests. It's the best way to understand what's going on here.


Debug :bug:

Normally you won't be doing any sort of Debug, but it something strange happens you can enable debugMode so that all the UIView's backgrounds are painted.

To enable debug mode:


tabBar.debug = YES;


tabBar.debug = true

Emoji :shit:

You got to freakin' :heart: them :grin:!