


Goldenprompt is a simple zsh prompt that incorporates fish-like functionality and git integration.

Screenshot goldenprompt 1


Screenshot goldenprompt 2


For the best experience, it is recommended to have the following tools installed:


Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone Goldenprompt into your .config directory:

git clone https://github.com/Goldeneye128/goldenprompt.git $HOME/.config/goldenprompt

Step 2: Configuration

To activate Goldenprompt, add the following to your .zprofile:

export ZDOTDIR="$HOME/.config/goldenprompt"

Alternatively, you can source Goldenprompt in your `.zshrc`:

source "$HOME/.config/goldenprompt/.zshrc"

Step 3: Relog

For the changes to take effect, relog into your account.

Step 4: Customize

Modify user-alias.zsh and user-function.zsh according to your preference. These files can be edited directly or symlinked to your custom Zsh aliases and functions for enhanced personalization.

Note: The prompt is designed with macOS and linux in mind, it is versatile enough to be adapted for use in most Linux/Unix systems.


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