Python re-implementation of the classic SecretScanner shell script.
NOTE: For best results, ensure colorama
is installed on the local system.
Simply download
to your path of choice and run it!
usage: [-h] [-e EXCLUDE] [-a ADD_EXCLUDE] [-i INCLUDE] [-d] [-f] [-p] [-c] [-w] [-s SECRETS]
[-l LIMIT] [-t THREADS] [-b BORDER] [-v {0,1,2,3}]
Searches the given path for exposed secrets.
positional arguments:
path The path to search for secrets in.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
A comma-separated list of file or path exclusions.
-a ADD_EXCLUDE, --add-exclude ADD_EXCLUDE
A comma-separated list of file or path exclusions to add to the default values.
-i INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
A comma-separated list of file or path inclusions.
-d, --dotall Whether or not to use DOTALL when matching.
-f, --full-path Whether or not to print the full path-names.
-p, --show-span Whether or not to print the span of the match.
-c, --ignore-case Whether or not to ignore the letter case during the search.
-w, --disable-colors Whether or not to disable colored output.
-s SECRETS, --secrets SECRETS
A comma-separated list of target secrets (RegEx is supported).
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
The maximum size to consider searchable files.
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
The amount of threads to use for searching.
-b BORDER, --border BORDER
The amount of characters to capture around each secret match.
-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
The level of verbosity to have.