

A warm and cozy, brown-orange colour theme for Discord, Vivaldi and more.


in use: vivaldi, lantern startpage and duckduckgo


<img src="https://github.com/Gitleptune/lantern-theme/blob/main/screenshots/other/lantern-theme-palette.png?raw=true" width="600" height="300" />
Background#261b17rgb(38, 27, 23)#261b17
Background - Alt#291812rgb(41, 24, 18) #291812
Header#1b110ergb(27, 17, 14) #1b110e
Hover#532f28rgb(83, 47, 40) #532f28
Highlight#f99666rgb(249, 150, 102) #f99666
Highlight - Alt#fad256rgb(250, 210, 86) #fad256
Text#e4cbb3rgb(228, 203, 179)
UI#e35b15rgb(227, 91, 21)#e35b15
UI - Alt#fabc2crgb(250, 188, 44) #fabc2c
Onclick#e86420rgb(232, 100, 32) #e86420
Visited#e04220rgb(224, 66, 32)#e04220
Green Light#82a23argb(130, 162, 58) #82a23a
Green Dark#4d772drgb(77, 119, 45)#4d772d
Blue Light#66a4a4rgb(102, 164, 164)#66a4a4
Blue Dark#4395a3rgb(78, 149, 163)#4395a3
Purple Light#c888e8rgb(200, 136, 232)#c888e8
Purple Dark#b666e6rgb(182, 102, 230)#b666e6
Pink Light#fab2c2rgb(250, 178, 194)#fab2c2
Orange Light#e86420rgb(232, 100, 32) #e86420
Orange Dark#e35b15rgb(227, 91, 21)#e35b15
Red Light#e04220rgb(224, 66, 32)#e04220
Red Dark#e01d1drgb(224, 29, 29)#e01d1d
Brown Light#261b17rgb(38, 27, 23)#261b17
Brown Dark#1b110ergb(28, 17, 14) #1b110e
Yellow Light#fad256rgb(250, 210, 86) #fad256
Yellow Dark#fabc2crgb(250, 188, 44) #fab2c2


Premade themes

Check the src folder and look through the available apps and websites, further instructions will be avaiable in their READMEs.


Paste this in the beginning of a file and start hacking into the mainframe:

:root {
	--background: #261b17;
	--header: #1b110e;
	--background-alt: #291812;
	--hover: #532f28;
	--highlight: #f99666;
	--highlight-alt: #fad256;
	--ui: #e35b15;
	--ui-alt: #fabc2c;
	--onclick: #e86420;
	--visited: #e04220;
	--green-light: #82a23a;
	--green-dark: #4d772d;
	--blue-light: #66a4a4;
	--blue-dark: #4395a3;
	--purple-light: #c888e8;
	--purple-dark: #b666e6;
	--pink-light: #fab2c2;
	--pink-dark: #fff;
	--orange-light: #e86420;
	--orange-dark: #e35b15;
	--red-light: #e04220;
	--red-dark: #e01d1d;
	--brown-light: #291812;
	--brown-dark: #1b110e;
	--yellow-light: #fad256;
	--yellow-dark: #fabc2c;
((_)       _    _   _ _____ _____ ___   _   _
 | |      / \  | \ | |_   _| ____|  _ \| \ | |
 | |     / _ \ |  \| | | | |  _| | |_) |  \| |
 | |___ / ___ \| |\  | | | | |___|  _ <| |\  |
 |_____/_/   \_|_| \_| |_| |_____|_| \_|_| \_|
  _____ _   _ _____ __  __ _____
 |_   _| | | | ____|  \/  | ____|
   | | | |_| |  _| | |\/| |  _|
   | | |  _  | |___| |  | | |___
   |_| |_| |_|_____|_|  |_|_____|


"Are you going to make a light theme soon?"

No, you don't use a lantern when it's bright outside, right?

"Why are there colours other than brown/orange/red/yellow, the usual lantern colours?"

You can get different colours of flame by burning different elements.

Are you going to support X?

I hope so, but I don't have the time or knowledge (like Emacs) to do so. Since you're probably experienced with the app, you could try making one yourself and taking a look at the Contibuting section.


If you want to contribute with a theme for an app/website here's how you can do it:

  1. Make a repository and put the code there
  2. Submit an issue with the app name, installation guide and link to your repository if you want it to be included here.