


<p align="center"> <br> <img alt="Screenshot" src="https://github.com/GitSquared/sherlock-js/raw/master/screenshot.png" /> <br><br> </p>

This is a "remake" of the original sherlock written in Python by sdushantha that I made mostly because I was bored and found that it had some flaws.

It is written in Node.js simply because that's the language I'm the most confortable with, but that's probably not the best choice and I'll see if I can make a Rust version or something.

Notable differences compared to sherlock (at time of writing):

Available command line switches


Search for all accounts named Smith, display live results:

./sherlockjs --name Smith

Get a human-readable file with links to all accounts named Smith:

./sherlockjs --pretty-json --only-found -n Smith > smith_accounts.json

You can use sherlockjs non-interactive options combined with common shell utilities to easily batch-process lists of users, and leverage sherlockjs' multithreaded design to create powerful, fast, extensive one-liner searches.

For instance, to batch-process a list of usernames, output each user's accounts in separate .csv files, and start all sherlockjs searches simultaneously (careful with the potential # of threads!):

cat users.txt | xargs -r -P 0 -I % sh -c "./sherlockjs -cf -n % > accounts_%.csv"