

postcss-at-rules-variables <a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss"><img align="left" height="49" title="PostCSS" src="http://postcss.github.io/postcss/logo.svg"></a>

PostCSS plugin to transform W3C CSS Custom Properties for at-rule’s parameters.

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Adds the ability to use a custom property in the options, at-rules.
Used in conjunction with the plugin postcss-each, postcss-conditionals, postcss-for and more at-rules plugins.


$ npm install --save-dev postcss postcss-at-rules-variables

Note: This project is compatible with node v10+


// Dependencies
var fs = require('fs');
var postcss = require('postcss');
var colorFunction = require('postcss-color-function');
var atImport = require('postcss-import');
var atEach = require('postcss-each');
var atVariables = require('postcss-at-rules-variables');
var atIf = require('postcss-conditionals');
var atFor = require('postcss-for');
var cssVariables = require('postcss-css-variables');
var nested = require('postcss-nested');

// CSS to be processed
var css = fs.readFileSync('css/input.css', 'utf8');

// Process CSS
var output = postcss()
  .use(atVariables({ /* atRules: ['media'] */ }))
    plugins: [
      require('postcss-at-rules-variables')({ /* options */ }),
  .process(css, {
    from: 'css/input.css'


Use postcss-at-rules-variables before you at-rules plugins


/* input.css */
:root {
    --array: foo, bar, baz;
    --from: 1;
    --to: 3;
    --icon-exclude: 2;
    --color-danger: red;
    --nested-variable: color(var(--color-danger) a(90%)) ;

@each $val in var(--array) {
    @import "$val.css";
/* foo.css */
html {
    background-color: var(--color-danger);
    color: var(--nested-variable);
/* bar.css */
.some-class {
    color: #fff;

    @for $val from var(--from) to var(--to) {
        @if $val != var(--icon-exclude) {
            .icon-$val {
                background-position: 0 $(val)px;
/* baz.css */
h1 {
    font-size: 24px;

@import "biz.css";
/* biz.css */
h2 {
    color: olive;
/* Output example */
html {
    background-color: red;
    color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.9);

.some-class {
    color: #fff;

.some-class .icon-1 {
    background-position: 0 1px;

.some-class .icon-3 {
    background-position: 0 3px;

h1 {
    font-size: 24px;

h2 {
    color: olive;



Type: Array
Default: ['for', 'if', 'else', 'each', 'mixin', 'custom-media']
Description: The array used in all at-rules in your project


Type: Object
Default: {}
Description: Allows you to pass an object of variables for :root. These definitions will override any that exist in the CSS


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Searches for root declarations by traversing all declarations before interpolating them.

:warning: Attention, this approach is slower and carries the risk of overriding existing variables