

<p align=center>Deep Gradient Learning for Efficient Camouflaged Object Detection (MIR 2023)</p>

Authors: Ge-Peng Ji, Deng-Ping Fan, Yu-Cheng Chou, Dengxin Dai, Alexander Liniger, & Luc Van Gool.

This official repository contains the source code, prediction results, and evaluation toolbox of Deep Gradient Network (accepted by Machine Intelligence Research 2023), also called DGNet. The technical report can be found at arXiv. The following is a quick video to introduce our work:


1. Features

<p align="center"> <img src="assest/BubbleBarFig.png"/> <br /> <em> Figure 1: We present the scatter relationship between the performance weighted F-measure and parameters of all competitors on the CAMO-Test. These scatters are in various colors for better visual recognition and are also corresponding to the histogram (Right). The larger the size of the colored scatter point, the heavier the model parameter. (Right) We also report the parallel histogram comparison of the model's parameters, MACs, and performance. </em> </p>

2. :fire: NEWS :fire:

This project is still a work in progress, and we invite all to contribute to making it more accessible and useful. If you have any questions about our paper, feel free to contact me via e-mail (gepengai.ji@gmail.com & johnson111788@gmail.com & dengpfan@gmail.com). If you are using our code and evaluation toolbox for your research, please cite this paper (BibTeX).

3. Proposed Framework

3.1. Overview

<p align="center"> <img src="assest/DGNetFramework.png"/> <br /> <em> Figure 2: Overall pipeline of the proposed DGNet, It consists of two connected learning branches, i.e., context encoder and texture encoder. Then, we introduce a gradient-induced transition (GIT) to collaboratively aggregate the feature that is derived from the above two encoders. Finally, a neighbor-connected decoder (NCD [1]) is adopted to generate the prediction. </em> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="assest/GIT.png"/> <br /> <em> Figure 3: Illustration of the proposed gradient-induced transition (GIT). It uses a soft grouping strategy to provide parallel nonlinear projections at multiple fine-grained sub-spaces, which enables the network to probe multi-source representations jointly. </em> </p>

References of neighbor-connected decoder (NCD) benchmark works [1] Concealed Object Detection. TPAMI, 2023. <br>

3.2. Usage

We provide various versions for different deep learning platforms, including PyTorch and Jittor libraries. Note that we only report the results of the Pytorch-based DGNet in our manuscript.

3.4 COD Benchmark Results:

The whole benchmark results can be found at Google Drive. Here are quantitative performance comparisons from three perspectives. Note that we used the Matlab-based toolbox to generate the reported metrics.

<p align="center"> <img src="assest/Benchmark.png"/> <br /> <em> Figure 4: Quantitative results in terms of full metrics for cutting-edge competitors, including 8 SOD-related and 12 COD-related, on three test datasets: NC4K-Test, CAMO-Test, and COD10K-Test. @R means the ranking of the current metric, and Mean@R indicates the mean ranking of all metrics. </em> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="assest/SuperClass.png"/> <br /> <em> Figure 5: Super-classes (i.e., Amphibian, Aquatic, Flying, Terrestrial, and Other) on the COD10K-Test of the proposed methods (DGNet & DGNet-S) and other 20 competitors. Symbol \uparrow indicates the higher the score, the better, and symbol \downarrow indicates the lower, the better. The best score is marked in bold. </em> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="assest/SubClass.png"/> <br /> <em> Figure 6: Sub-class results on COD10K-Test of 12 COD-related and 8 SOD-related baselines in terms of structure measure (\mathcal{S}_\alpha), where Am., Aq., Fl., Te., and Ot. represent Amphibian, Aquatic, Flying, Terrestrial, and Other, respectively. CDL., GP.Fish, and LS.Dragon denote Crocodile, and GhostPipeFish, LeafySeaDragon, respectively. The best score is marked in bold. </em> </p>

4. Citation

Please cite our paper if you find the work useful:

  title={Deep Gradient Learning for Efficient Camouflaged Object Detection},
  author={Ji, Ge-Peng and Fan, Deng-Ping and Chou, Yu-Cheng and Dai, Dengxin and Liniger, Alexander and Van Gool, Luc},
  journal={Machine Intelligence Research},