

Official .NET SDK for Stream Chat

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<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/logo.svg" width="50%" height="50%"> </p> <p align="center"> Official .NET API client for Stream Chat, a service for building chat applications. <br /> <a href="https://getstream.io/chat/docs/"><strong>Explore the docs ยป</strong></a> <br /> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-net/tree/master/samples">Code Samples</a> ยท <a href="https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-net/issues">Report Bug</a> ยท <a href="https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-net/issues">Request Feature</a> </p>

๐Ÿ“ About Stream

You can sign up for a Stream account at our Get Started page.

You can use this library to access chat API endpoints server-side.

For the client-side integrations (web and mobile) have a look at the JavaScript, iOS and Android SDK libraries (docs).

๐Ÿšจ Breaking changes in v1.0 <

The library received many changes in v1.0 to make it easier to use and more maintanable in the future. The main change is that both Channel and Client classes have been separated into small modules that we call clients. (This resambles the structure of our Java library as well.) Main changes:

The proper usage of the library:

var clientFactory = new StreamClientFactory("YourApiKey", "YourApiSecret");
// Note: all client instances can be used as a singleton for the lifetime
// of your application as they don't maintain state.
var userClient = clientFactory.GetUserClient();
var channelClient = clientFactory.GetChannelClient();
var messageClient = clientFactory.GetMessageClient();
var reactionClient = clientFactory.GetReactionClient();

var jamesBond = await userClient.UpsertAsync(new UserRequest { Id = "james_bond" });
var agentM = await userClient.UpsertAsync(new UserRequest { Id = "agent_m" });

var channel = await channelClient.GetOrCreateAsync("messaging", "superHeroChannel", createdBy: jamesBond.Id);
await channelClient.AddMembersAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, jamesBond.Id, agentM.Id);

var message = await messageClient.SendMessageAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, jamesBond.Id, "I need a new quest Agent M.");
await reactionClient.SendReactionAsync(message.Id, "like", agentM.Id);

โš™๏ธ Installation

$ dotnet add package stream-chat-net

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: you can find code samples in the samples folder.

โœจ Getting started


using StreamChat.Clients;

Initialize client

// Client factory instantiation.
var clientFactory = new StreamClientFactory("YourApiKey", "YourApiSecret");

// Or you can configure some options such as custom HttpClient, HTTP timeouts etc.
var clientFactory = new StreamClientFactory("YourApiKey", "YourApiSecret", opts => opts.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

// Get clients from client factory. Note: all clients can be used as a singleton in your application.
var channelClient = clientFactory.GetChannelClient();
var messageClient = clientFactory.GetMessageClient();

Generate a token for client-side usage

var userClient = clientFactory.GetUserClient();

// Without expiration
var token = userClient.CreateToken("bob-1");

// With expiration
var token = userClient.CreateToken("bob-1", expiration: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1));

Create/Update users

var userClient = clientFactory.GetUserClient();

var bob = new UserRequest
    Id = "bob-1",
    Role = Role.Admin,
    Teams = new[] { "red", "blue" } // if multi-tenant enabled
bob.SetData("age", 27);

await userClient.UpsertAsync(bob);

// Batch update is also supported
var jane = new UserRequest { Id = "jane"};
var june = new UserRequest { Id = "june"};
var users = await userClient.UpsertManyAsync(new[] { bob, jane, june });

GDPR-like User endpoints

var userClient = clientFactory.GetUserClient();

await userClient.ExportAsync("bob-1");
await userClient.DeactivateAsync("bob-1");
await userClient.ReactivateAsync("bob-1");
await userClient.DeleteAsync("bob-1");

Channel types

var channelTypeClient = clientFactory.GetChannelTypeClient();

var chanTypeConf = new ChannelTypeWithStringCommands
    Name = "livechat",
    Automod = Automod.Disabled,
    Commands = new List<string> { Commands.Ban },
    Mutes = true
var chanType = await channelTypeClient.CreateChannelTypeAsync(chanTypeConf);

var allChanTypes = await channelTypeClient.ListChannelTypesAsync();


var channelClient = clientFactory.GetChannelClient();

// Create a channel with members from the start, Bob is the creator
var channel = channelClient.GetOrCreateAsync("messaging", "bob-and-jane", bob.Id, bob.Id, jane.Id);

// Create channel and then add members, Mike is the creator
var channel = channelClient.GetOrCreateAsync("messaging", "bob-and-jane", mike.Id);
channelClient.AddMembersAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, bob.Id, jane.Id, joe.Id);


var messageClient = clientFactory.GetMessageClient();

// Only text
messageClient.SendMessageAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, bob.Id, "Hey, I'm Bob!");

// With custom data
var msgReq = new MessageRequest { Text = "Hi june!" };
msgReq.SetData("location", "amsterdam");

var bobMessageResp = await messageClient.SendMessageAsync(channelType, channel.Id, msgReq, bob.Id);

// Threads
var juneReply = new MessageRequest { Text = "Long time no see!" };
var juneReplyMessage = await messageClient.SendMessageToThreadAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, juneReply, june.Id, bobMessageResp.Message.Id)


var reactionClient = clientFactory.GetReactionClient();

await reactionClient.SendReactionAsync(message.Id, "like", bob.Id);

var allReactions = await reactionClient.GetReactionsAsync(message.Id);


var channelClient = clientFactory.GetChannelClient();
var userClient = clientFactory.GetUserClient();
var flagClient = clientFactory.GetFlagClient();

await channelClient.AddModeratorsAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, new[] { jane.Id });

await userClient.BanAsync(new BanRequest
    Type = channel.Type,
    Id = channel.Id,
    Reason = "reason",
    TargetUserId = bob.Id,
    UserId = jane.Id

await flagClient.FlagUserAsync(bob.Id, jane.Id);


var permissionClient = clientFactory.GetPermissionClient();

await permissionClient.CreateRoleAsync("channel-boss");

// Assign users to roles (optional message)
await channelClient.AssignRolesAsync(new AssignRoleRequest
    AssignRoles = new List<RoleAssignment>
        new RoleAssignment { UserId = bob.ID, ChannelRole = Role.ChannelModerator },
        new RoleAssignment { UserId = june.ID, ChannelRole = "channel-boss" }
    Message = new MessageRequest { Text = "Bob and June just became mods", User = bob }


var deviceClient = clientFactory.GetDeviceClient();

var junePhone = new Device
    ID = "iOS Device Token",
    PushProvider = PushProvider.APN,
    UserId = june.ID

await deviceClient.AddDeviceAsync(junePhone);

var devices = await deviceClient.GetDevicesAsync(june.Id);

Export Channels

var channelClient = clientFactory.GetChannelClient();
var taskClient = clientFactory.GetTaskClient();

var taskResponse = channelClient.ExportChannelAsync(new ExportChannelRequest { Id = channel.Id, Type = channel.Type });

// Wait for the completion
var complete = false;
var iterations = 0;
AsyncTaskStatusResponse resp = null;
while (!complete && iterations < 1000)
    resp = await taskClient.GetTaskStatusAsync(taskResponse.TaskId);
    if (resp.Status == AsyncTaskStatus.Completed)
        complete = true;
    await Task.Delay(100);

if (complete)

โœ๏ธ Contributing

We welcome code changes that improve this library or fix a problem, please make sure to follow all best practices and add tests if applicable before submitting a Pull Request on Github. We are very happy to merge your code in the official repository. Make sure to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) first. See our license file for more details.

Head over to CONTRIBUTING.md for some development tips.

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป We are hiring!

We've recently closed a $38 million Series B funding round and we keep actively growing. Our APIs are used by more than a billion end-users, and you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world.

Check out our current openings and apply via Stream's website.