

⚠️ This project is unmaintained, you are better off using a well-maintained / battle-tested library such as Faker.

:octopus: FakerElixir

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FakerElixir is an Elixir package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to seed your database, create factories for your project, FakerElixir is here for you :punch:.

If you like this library ... you could star it :star2:


Can't wait to generate some fake data ? Follow the steps:

  1. Add faker_elixir_octopus to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:faker_elixir_octopus, "~> 1.0.0",  only: [:dev, :test]}]
  1. Ensure faker_elixir_octopus is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:faker_elixir_octopus]]

Note: This step can be skipped if you are using Elixir 1.4+ (see CHANGELOG#application-inference).

  1. Run in the root of your project:
$ mix deps.get
  1. Faker Elixir is now a part of your application and ready to use!


Since I'm quite sure you are using Phoenix, I will show you a basic example:

defmodule Zombie.AwesomeController do
  use Zombie.Web, :controller

  def index(conn, _params) do
    text conn, FakerElixir.Helper.pick(["zombie", "human"])

Now if you keep refreshing your browser, the value should change. Awesome, you just understood how to use Faker :clap:.

:speech_balloon: "Sounds cool, but what about that FakerElixir namespace, it's quite boring to write that everytime :confused:"

You are right, you could use alias of elixir:

defmodule Zombie.AwesomeController do
  use Zombie.Web, :controller

  alias FakerElixir, as: Faker

  def index(conn, _params) do
    text conn, Faker.Helper.pick(["zombie", "human"])

:speech_balloon: "I followed the steps to install the package, but it doesn't work :angry: !!"

I guess you have an error similar to something .... Store.has?() ..... something. Well you just forgot to add :faker_elixir_octopus:

# mix.exs file

  def application do
    [mod: {Test, []},
     applications: [:phoenix, :phoenix_html, :cowboy, :logger, :gettext,
                    :phoenix_ecto, :postgrex, :faker_elixir_octopus]] # <---- here


Each functions of FakerElixir are well documented here: documentation.

But I know you, you will forget the syntax to generate a city and so on ... Don't waste your time in the documentation, just use this simple cheatsheet:


FakerElixir.Address.building_number # "542"
FakerElixir.Address.city # "Portland"
FakerElixir.Address.country # "Iceland"
FakerElixir.Address.country_code # "NY"
FakerElixir.Address.latitude # -71.67369045432866
FakerElixir.Address.longitude # -114.67722189422487
FakerElixir.Address.make_country # %{code: "MY", name: "Malaysia"}
FakerElixir.Address.secondary_address # "Apt. 752"
FakerElixir.Address.state # "New Jersey"
FakerElixir.Address.state_code # "TX"
FakerElixir.Address.street_address # "786 Willow Parkways"
FakerElixir.Address.street_name # "McLaughlin Mills"
FakerElixir.Address.street_suffix # "Lodge"
FakerElixir.Address.time_zone # "Europe/Sarajevo"
FakerElixir.Address.zip_code # "59146-7626"


FakerElixir.App.author # "Antonio Konopelski"
FakerElixir.App.name # "Chocolada"
FakerElixir.App.version # "8.1.7"


FakerElixir.Avatar.robohash # "https://robohash.org/fceuxke.png?size=300x300"
FakerElixir.Avatar.robohash("zombies-must-die") # "https://robohash.org/zombies-must-die.png?size=300x300"
FakerElixir.Avatar.robohash("zombies-forever", "400x400") # "https://robohash.org/zombies-forever.png?size=400x400"
FakerElixir.Avatar.robohash("i-love-a-zombie", "300x300", "jpg") # "https://robohash.org/i-love-a-zombie.jpg?size=300x300"
FakerElixir.Avatar.robohash("boring-slug", "230x230", "bmp", "set1") # "https://robohash.org/boring-slug.bmp?size=230x230&set=set1"
FakerElixir.Avatar.robohash("ahahahaha", "198x198", "jpg", "set2", "bg2") # "https://robohash.org/ahahahaha.jpg?size=198x198&set=set2&bgset=bg2"


FakerElixir.Bank.credit_card_cvv # 914

# Context: 22 august 2016
FakerElixir.Bank.credit_card_expiration_date # "08/2017"
FakerElixir.Bank.credit_card_expiration_date(:valid) # "06/2023"
FakerElixir.Bank.credit_card_expiration_date(:invalid) # "12/2011"

FakerElixir.Bank.credit_card_number # "34521702751096"
FakerElixir.Bank.credit_card_type # "MasterCard"

FakerElixir.Bank.make_credit_card # %{cvv: "188", expiration_date: "12/2006", name: "LLEWELLYN WEBER", number: "601141761193874", type: "Discover Card"}

FakerElixir.Bank.name # "Goldman Sachs Group"


FakerElixir.Boolean.boolean # true

# Return a boolean with a ratio chance to be true
# 1 = always true / 0 = always false / 0.1 = 10% chance to be true
FakerElixir.Boolean.boolean(1) # true
FakerElixir.Boolean.boolean(0) # false
FakerElixir.Boolean.boolean(0.1) # false


FakerElixir.Color.hex # "#1671B0"

FakerElixir.Color.hsl # "hsl(130, 40%, 41%)"
FakerElixir.Color.make_hsl # [236, "13%", "77%"]

FakerElixir.Color.rgb # "rgb(152, 228, 47)"
FakerElixir.Color.make_rgb # [65, 137, 5]

FakerElixir.Color.name # "white"


FakerElixir.Commerce.coupon # "AmazingDeal35"
FakerElixir.Commerce.coupon(5) # "AmazingDeal20250"

FakerElixir.Commerce.product # "Sleek Frozen Table"
FakerElixir.Commerce.sku # "4OY026FR"


FakerElixir.Crypto.md5 # "9FE3CFD7113162785ED3D59C73166766"
FakerElixir.Crypto.sha1 # "7D6757DDD455FC6AA25C0D78C1CDE73B21028CD7"
FakerElixir.Crypto.sha224 # "824B34965B6A3E48BE71E09A54F63BC216845D794EB378E756EE759D"
FakerElixir.Crypto.sha256 # "4762E04FB860A8A7C4D58B495DE133355D069CF618A55BBACA98583DF105818C"
FakerElixir.Crypto.sha384 # "9C01EBA98F4A52F76948D48A0FB3C63C26DE451667F8957C6420B6D26183F93C28A3A344406C77FF74C877EE5AA3AD10"
FakerElixir.Crypto.sha512 # "06C1CC54DC49E53B1274D9A0DD951B76DD45731E0AB319D98575DEA1955F6A0B20D5B70548190119AED52A5254127A60511257673C332F759F9510B8F32AAC26"


FakerElixir.Currency.code # "ZMK"
FakerElixir.Currency.make # %{code: "UAH", country: "Ukraine", name: "Ukrainian Hryvnia", symbol: "₴"}
FakerElixir.Currency.name # "East Caribbean Dollar"
FakerElixir.Currency.symbol # "€"


# Generate a random date time for yesterday
FakerElixir.Date.backward(1) # "2016-08-18 05:58:04Z"

# Generate a random date time between yesterday and the day before yesterday
FakerElixir.Date.backward(1..2) # "2016-08-17 03:48:32Z"

FakerElixir.Date.birthday # "1988-03-07 16:28:37Z"

FakerElixir.Date.forward(1) # "2016-08-20 19:29:28Z"
FakerElixir.Date.forward(1..2) # "2016-08-20 11:18:18Z"


FakerElixir.File.extension # "png"

# Allowed: :image, :audio, :text, :video, :office
FakerElixir.File.extension(:audio) # "mp3"

FakerElixir.File.mime # "application/javascript"

# Allowed: :application, :audio, :image, :message, :model, :multipart, :text, :video
FakerElixir.File.mime(:message) # "message/rfc822"

FakerElixir.File.name # "aut.css"

# Allowed: :image, :audio, :text, :video, :office
FakerElixir.File.name(:video) # "mollitia.avi""


# Check out the documentation for this helper:
# https://hexdocs.pm/faker_elixir_octopus/FakerElixir.Helper.html#cycle/2
FakerElixir.Helper.cycle(:zombies, ["Peter", "Audrey"]) # "Peter"
FakerElixir.Helper.cycle(:zombies, ["Peter", "Audrey"]) # "Audrey"
FakerElixir.Helper.cycle(:zombies, ["Peter", "Audrey"]) # "Peter"

FakerElixir.Helper.letterify("#.#.#.#") # "k.e.n.u"
FakerElixir.Helper.numerify("Apt. ###") # "Apt. 902"

FakerElixir.Helper.pick(["paris", "athens", "london"]) # "london"
FakerElixir.Helper.pick(0..100) # 51

# Check out the documentation for this helper:
# https://hexdocs.pm/faker_elixir_octopus/FakerElixir.Helper.html#unique!/2
FakerElixir.Helper.unique!(:emails, fn -> FakerElixir.Internet.email(:popular) end) # "gutkowski@hotmail.com"


FakerElixir.Internet.email # "demarcus@ezra.io"
FakerElixir.Internet.email("Peter Moleski") # "peter.moleski@ethel.net"

FakerElixir.Internet.email(:popular) # "candelario@gmail.com"
FakerElixir.Internet.email(:popular, "Peter Sobieska") # "peter.sobieska@hotmail.com"

FakerElixir.Internet.email(:school) # "trycia@uab.edu"
FakerElixir.Internet.email(:school, "Harry Potter") "harry.potter@stanford.edu"

FakerElixir.Internet.password(:weak) # "robbie"
FakerElixir.Internet.password(:normal) # "francesco6"
FakerElixir.Internet.password(:strong) # "tOu%Mt*B16ueLs!0uA3rDA"

FakerElixir.Internet.url # "http://www.alejandra-connelly.com/"
FakerElixir.Internet.url(:safe) # "https://www.stefan-little.org/"

FakerElixir.Internet.user_name # "chadrick"
FakerElixir.Internet.user_name("Jeremie GES") # "jeremie.ges"

FakerElixir.Internet.user_agent # "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B411 Safari/600.1.4"

# Allowed: :bot, :browser, :chrome, :desktop, :firefox, :console, :ie, :opera, :phone, :playstation, :safari, :tablet, :wii, :xbox
FakerElixir.Internet.user_agent(:safari) # "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B436 Safari/600.1.4"


FakerElixir.Lorem.character # "c"

FakerElixir.Lorem.characters # "0ycp0x"
FakerElixir.Lorem.characters(2) # "rj"
FakerElixir.Lorem.characters(10..30) # "rhch0bceu38240vds"

FakerElixir.Lorem.sentence # "Qui maiores quaerat iusto quod in totam consequatur perspiciatis necessitatibus vitae."

FakerElixir.Lorem.sentences(2) # "Qui omnis distinctio optio quisquam non optio id sequi assumenda corrupti distinctio et et inventore libero mollitia et. Cum doloremque sapiente mollitia nulla harum pariatur natus voluptates maxime consequuntur sunt commodi blanditiis ut nam."
FakerElixir.Lorem.sentences(3..5) # "Culpa velit labore tenetur quia ipsum ullam dolore ut et commodi. Fuga quia dolore nihil non laudantium molestias nemo voluptas ea voluptatum aut aspernatur voluptatem. Repellendus illo dolorem incidunt quasi possimus quam quae alias recusandae unde aliquam optio rem velit sint eum. Quo aliquid itaque ratione eum blanditiis commodi explicabo perspiciatis nesciunt pariatur dolor eius voluptas."

FakerElixir.Lorem.word # "et"

FakerElixir.Lorem.words # "pariatur ea eos quibusdam velit debitis et"
FakerElixir.Lorem.words(3) # "sapiente optio dolor"
FakerElixir.Lorem.words(2..4) # "laudantium rem saepe qui"


FakerElixir.Name.first_name # "Ari"
FakerElixir.Name.last_name # "Miller"
FakerElixir.Name.name # "Louie Corkery"
FakerElixir.Name.name_with_middle # "Annalise Francesco Schowalter"
FakerElixir.Name.prefix # "Mr."
FakerElixir.Name.suffix # "PhD"
FakerElixir.Name.title # "Principal Branding Orchestrator"


FakerElixir.Number.between(15..150) # 130
FakerElixir.Number.between(15, 150) # 18
FakerElixir.Number.between(11.22, 13.88) # 11.24
FakerElixir.Number.between(12, 12.35) # 12.11

FakerElixir.Number.decimal # "70.8"

# 3 left digits
FakerElixir.Number.decimal(3) # "918.43"

# 1 left digit and 3 right digits
FakerElixir.Number.decimal(1, 3) # "2.298"

FakerElixir.Number.digit # 3
FakerElixir.Number.digits # 452

# 4 digits please!
FakerElixir.Number.digits(4) # 7025


FakerElixir.Phone.cell # "1-714-443-8836"
FakerElixir.Phone.home # "355.369.3998 x19434"



The default locale used by FakerElixir is :en. Right now only 4 locales are available: :fr, :en, :es, :it.

If you set a different locale, FakerElixir will just fallback to :en (If you didn't provide a custom locale)

Note: Keep in mind you can set the locale at the runtime, the locale set will keep his state until you set another locale.

Basic example

FakerElixir.set_locale(:en) # :ok
FakerElixir.Address.city # "Baltimore"

FakerElixir.set_locale(:fr) # :ok
FakerElixir.Address.city # "Issy-les-Moulineaux"

FakerElixir.set_locale(:es) # :ok
FakerElixir.get_locale # :es

Phoenix Example

defmodule Zombie.AwesomeController do
  use Zombie.Web, :controller
  alias FakerElixir, as: Faker

  def index(conn, _params) do

    city_en = Faker.Address.city

    city_fr = Faker.Address.city

    text conn, "#{city_en} / #{city_fr}"

# Will produce something like: Charlotte / Courbevoie

Custom locale

Since this package is quite new we don't have enough locales out of the box. It could be possible you don't like the data provided too. That's why we let you the possibility to define / update the data !

Add a new locale

Let's say you are spanish and you want to create the :es locale, you just need to define a new module in your elixir / mix project:

# locales/faker_elixir/es.ex
# It doesn't matter where you define your module tho.

defmodule FakerElixir.LocalesCustom.Es do

  # Let's "localize" the cities
  @cities ["Barcelona", "Madrid", "La Jonquera"]

  def cities, do: cities


Now when you will set the locale :es, FakerElixir will pick your data:

defmodule Test do

  alias FakerElixir, as: Faker

  def try do
    Faker.Address.city # Barcelona


Edit a locale

Let's say you want to update the locale :fr for the method FakerElixir.Address.secondary_address:

# locales/faker_elixir/fr.ex
# It doesn't matter where you define your module tho.

defmodule FakerElixir.LocalesCustom.Fr do

  @secondary_addresses ["Sonnette. ##"]

  def secondary_addresses, do: @secondary_addresses


Now when you will set the locale :fr, FakerElixir will pick your data:

defmodule Test do

  alias FakerElixir, as: Faker

  def try do
    Faker.Address.secondary_address # Sonnette. 12



The default skeleton for a locale is available here: Skeleton


:speech_balloon: "Hey dude, your package is "great" but you forgot that, that and ... that, whaddup ? :sunglasses:"

Well, depending the domain of your application, sure you will need some other fake data. That's why FakerElixir provides some useful things such as: FakerElixir.get_locale/0 and the FakerElixir.Helper module.

You could create your own module inside your application:

defmodule FakerElixir.Custom do

  @pokemons_en ["Charizard", "Bulbasaur", "Charmander"]
  @pokemons_fr ["Dracaufeu", "Bulbizarre", "Salameche"]

  def pokemon do
    locale = FakerElixir.get_locale

    case locale do
      :fr ->

      _ ->


... and just call your module! iex> FakerElixir.Custom.pokemon

Hope it helps :yum:


GesJeremie Ilyes512 tulinmola Igas rrrene

We :heart: contributors, send us a pull request and maybe we will ... merge it :beer: !