

json2jison [OBSOLETED]

build status

jison grammars come in two formats: JSON or a special text format similar to Bison's. This utility converts from the JSON format to jison's text format. See the jison2json utility for the reverse conversion.

deprecation notice

From today (2017/oct/15) the json2jison repository is obsoleted for the json2jison package/codebase: the primary source is the jison monorepo's packages/json2jison/ directory. See also https://github.com/GerHobbelt/jison/issues/16.

(For a comparable argument, see also "Why is Babel a monorepo?")

Issues, pull requests, etc. for json2jison should be filed there; hence we do not accept issue reports in this secondary repository any more.

This repository will track the primary source for a while still, but be very aware that this particular repository will always be lagging behind!


npm install @gerhobbelt/json2jison -g


To build the parser yourself, follow the install & build directions of the monorepo.
