

Pixel Decoder

computervision In computer vision, there are three challenges: image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation. As you see above, semantic segmentation can segment an image into different parts and objects (e.g.grass, cat, tree, sky).

Pixel Decoder is a tool that contains several current available semantic segmentation algorithms. Pixel Decoder includes Standard Unet and its modified versions, Tiramisu and SegNet. SegNet is the algorithm that Skynet was built on. All the algorithms that live inside Pixel Decoder are convolutional neural networks are all in a structure that called encoder-decoder. encoder-decoder The encoder reads in the image pixels and compresses the information in vector, downsample to save computing memory; and the decoder works on reconstructing the pixels spatial information and output the desired outcome. Some UNet-like algorithms were adopted from SpaceNet challenge solutions.

All these algorithms are built with Tensorflow and Keras. These are some results for road segmentation from Pixel Decoder we got.

<p align="center"> <img src="result_showcase/TZ_road_out.png" width="1000" /> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="result_showcase/TZ_road_out1.png" width="1000" /> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="result_showcase/TZ_road_out3.png" width="1000" /> </p> ### Installation
git clone https://github.com/Geoyi/pixel-decoder
cd pixel-decoder
pip install -e .


pixel_decoder train --batch_size=4 \
                    --imgs_folder=tiles \
                    --masks_folder=labels \
                    --models_folder=trained_models_out \
                    --model_id=resnet_unet \
                    --origin_shape_no=256 \

It takes in the training dataset that created from Label Maker.


After the model is trained and you see a trained model weight in your model directory, run:

pixel_decoder predict --imgs_folder=tiles \
                    --test_folder=test_images \
                    --models_folder=trained_models_out \
                    --pred_folder=predictions \
                    --model_id=resnet_unet \
                    --origin_shape_no=256 \  

Run Pixel Decoder on AWS Deep Learning AMI instance with GUPs

Install Nvidia-Docker on your instance

git clone https://github.com/Geoyi/pixel-decoder
cd pixel-decoder
nvidia-docker build -t pixel_decoder .
nvidia-docker run -v $PWD:/work -it pixel_decoder bash


pixel_decoder train --batch_size=4 \
                    --imgs_folder=tiles \
                    --masks_folder=labels \
                    --models_folder=trained_models_out \
                    --model_id=resnet_unet \
                    --origin_shape_no=256 \


pixel_decoder predict --imgs_folder=tiles \
                    --test_folder=test_images \
                    --models_folder=trained_models_out \
                    --pred_folder=predictions \
                    --model_id=resnet_unet \
                    --origin_shape_no=256 \  


To run a neural net, e.g resnet_unet, you can create ready-to-train dataset from Label Maker. A detail walkthrough notebook will come soon. pixel_decoder was built on top of python-seed that created by Development Seed.