

Integrating Angular project with zoo-web-components


  1. Run npm i @zooplus/zoo-web-components --save to install the package.
  2. Modify you main app.module.ts and add the following line: import "@zooplus/zoo-web-components";
  3. Modify your NgModule declaration so that it knows how to treat unknown HTML tags:
	declarations: [
	imports: [
	schemas: [
  1. Use web components in your application:

<zoo-header imgsrc="assets/logo.png">
	<img src="assets/logo.png" slot="img">
	<h1 slot="headertext">Zoo web components in Angular</h1>

<form class="form" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submit($event)" novalidate>
		<select id="select-id" formControlName="select" slot="select" required>
			<option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option.id">{{ option.firstName }} {{ option.lastName }}</option>
		<label for="select-id1" slot="label">Name</label>
		<span slot="error">Name is required</span>
		<input id="input-id" formControlName="input" type="date" slot="input" required/>
		<label for="input-id1" slot="label">Input date field</label>
		<span slot="info">Information text</span>
		<span slot="error">Invalid value</span>
		<button type="submit">Submit</button>
  1. Add CSS Custom properties to your main styles.css:
:root {
	--primary-mid: #3C9700;
	--primary-light: #66B100;
	--primary-dark: #286400;
	--primary-ultralight: #EBF4E5;
	--secondary-mid: #FF6200;
	--secondary-light: #F80;
	--secondary-dark: #CC4E00;
	--info-ultralight: #ECF5FA;
	--info-mid: #459FD0;
	--warning-ultralight: #FDE8E9;
	--warning-mid: #ED1C24;