


A Floating and Draggable KeyboardView for android that several EditText's can register to use it.

Alt text


Use it as normal keyboard view and

  1. Place FloatingKeyboardView inside a FrameLayout or a RelativeLayout (TIP: Put it last or/and with some elevation)
  2. Make an xml with you keyboard layout (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/inputmethodservice/Keyboard.html)
  3. Declare it in activity code FloatingKeyboardView mCustomKeyboard = (FloatingKeyboardView) findViewById(R.id.keyboardview);
  4. Assign the keyboard layout mCustomKeyboard.setKeyboard(new Keyboard(this, R.xml.numkbd));
  5. Register edittexts to use it mCustomKeyboard.registerEditText(R.id.edittext1);

Optional but highly recommended:

  1. Set a transparent background android:background="@android:color/transparent"
  2. Disable text shadow android:shadowRadius="0.0"
  3. Make a drawable selector and use as a key background android:keyBackground="@drawable/keyback"


Based on the following great guide from Maarten Pennings (http://www.fampennings.nl/maarten/android/09keyboard/)