

<div align="center"> <a href="https://genezio.com/"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/genez-io/graphics/raw/HEAD/svg/Logo_Genezio_White.svg"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://github.com/genez-io/graphics/raw/HEAD/svg/Logo_Genezio_Black.svg"> <img alt="genezio logo" src="https://github.com/genez-io/graphics/raw/HEAD/svg/Logo_Genezio_Black.svg"> </picture> </div> <br> <div align="center"> <h2>Deploy on the fastest full-stack cloud</h2> <h3>Check out a <u><a href="https://awesome-purple-capybara.app.genez.io/">live demo deployed with genezio here</a></u> </h3> </div> <br> <div align="center">

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What is Genezio?

Genezio is a developer platform for full-stack developers or teams who need to build, run and maintain web, mobile or enterprise apps with a typesafe backend that scales automatically.

For more details on how to use genezio, you can check out the official documentation.

<div align="center"> <h3> :star: If you want to support the genezio community, give us a star on this repo :star: </h3> </div>



Getting Started

Check out our Getting started documentation page to find out how to start using Genezio.

For more details about the genezio CLI commands, run genezio help or genezio [command] help.


To install the genezio CLI tool, run the following command:

npm install -g genezio

Create a new project

Visit the Genezio template page and create a new project. You can choose from a variety of templates or start from scratch.

If you want to create a new project from scratch, you can run the following command:

genezio create

If you already have a project you can either import it from you GitHub repository or deploy it from your local machine using the following command:

genezio deploy

Test your project using the Test Interface

You can also test your code locally by running the following command in the server directory.

genezio local

This will spawn a local server that can be used for testing. Now, you can navigate to the Test Interface and test your project locally from GUI.

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/Genez-io/graphics/blob/main/demo_screenshots/ss_test_interface.png" alt="Test Interface" style="height: auto; width:700px;"/> </div>

Once you are happy with your project, you can deploy it in a production environment by running: genezio deploy.

Commands Summary

The genezio CLI tool supports the commands shown in the following table:

genezio createCreate a new fullstack project from templates Learn more
genezio local --port <port>Runs a local environment with your project for testing purposes. Learn more
genezio deployDeploys your project to the genezio infrastructure. Learn more
genezio list [<identifier>]Displays details of your projects. You can view them all at once or display a particular one by providing its name or ID. Learn more
genezio delete [<project-id>]Deletes the project described by the provided ID. If no ID is provided, lists all the projects and IDs. Learn more
genezio sdkGenerates an SDK corresponding to a deployed project. Learn more
genezio accountDisplay information about the current account logged in. Learn more
genezio login <access-token>Authenticates with genezio platform to deploy your code. Learn more
genezio logoutLogout from genezio platform. Learn more
genezio help / genezio <command> --helpDisplays help for the CLI tool.

Examples deployed with genezio

You can find out more about genezio from our examples repository.

Official documentation

How does genezio work?

genezio is using JSON RPC 2.0 to facilitate the communication between SDK and your class. Your functions are deployed in the Genezio infrastructure. The functions are not executed on a long lasting Virtual Machine. Instead, our system uses a serverless approach. Whenever a request is received, your code is loaded and executed. This is more cost and energy efficient. However, the developer needs to take into account the following - the values of the global variables are not persistent between runs.

Type safety is ensured by the generated SDK, even if the server and the client are not written in the same language. The CLI tool analyzes the server code generates client side types equivalent to the server side types, as well as functions with equivalent signatures.

Detailed documentation

To find more details on how to use genezio, check out the official documentation:

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the docs, don't hesitate to drop us a GitHub issue or start a discussion on Discord.

Getting support

We want you to get your project up and running in no-time.

If you find yourself in a pickle using genezio, drop us a GitHub issue, start a discussion with us on Discord or drop us an email at contact@genezio.io.

System requirements


For the most common issues that our users have dealt with, we created a Troubleshooting section in the documentation.

If you don't find the guidance there, drop us a GitHub issue. We are more than happy to help you!


Contributions are welcome! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details.

Show your support by giving us a star :star:, to help others discover genezio and become part of our community!


There are a growing number of awesome projects deployed with genezio and we want to shout out about them.

If you deployed a project using genezio let us know on Discord.


Check out tutorials for building and deploying various use cases with Genezio.


Brag to your friends that you are using genezio with this awesome badge -> deployed with: genezio

[![deployed with: genezio](https://img.shields.io/badge/deployed_with-genezio-6742c1.svg?labelColor=62C353&style=flat)](https://github.com/genez-io/genezio)


genezio is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. For more information, please refer to LICENSE.