

Slack Workflow Status

This action will post workflow status notifications into your Slack channel. The notification includes the name of the Actor, Event, Branch, Workflow Name, Status and Run Durations. This action can optionally include the status and duration of individual jobs in a workflow to quickly help you identify where failures and slowdowns occur.

<img src="./docs/images/example.png" title="Slack Example">

Action Inputs

slack_webhook_urlrequiredCreate a Slack Webhook URL using the Incoming Webhooks App. It is recommended that you create a new secret on your repo SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL for holding this value, and passing it to the action with ${{secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}}.
repo_tokenrequiredA token is automatically available in your workflow secrets var. ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}. You can optionally send an alternative self-generated token.
include_jobsoptionalWhen set to true, include individual job status and durations in the slack notification. When false only the event status and workflow status lines are included. When set to on-failure — individual job status is reported only if workflow failed. Default is true.
jobs_to_fetchoptionalSets the number of jobs to fetch (for workflows with big number of jobs). Default is 30.
include_commit_messageoptionalWhen set to true, include the workflow head commit message title in the slack notification. Default is false.
channeloptionalAccepts a Slack channel name where you would like the notifications to appear. Overrides the default channel created with your webhook.
nameoptionalAllows you to provide a name for the slack bot user posting the notifications. Overrides the default name created with your webhook.
icon_emojioptionalAllows you to provide an emoji as the slack bot user image when posting notifications. Overrides the default image created with your webhook. Emoji Code Cheat Sheet
icon_urloptionalAllows you to provide a URL for an image to use as the slack bot user image when posting notifications. Overrides the default image created with your webhook.


To use this action properly, you should create a new job at the end of your workflow that needs all other jobs in the workflow. This ensures that this action is only run once all jobs in your workflow are complete.

This action requires read permission of actions scope. You should assign a job level actions permission if workflow level actions permission is set none.

name: World Greeter
    branches: [ master, staging ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Say Hello
        run: echo "Hello"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Say World
        run: echo "World"
    if: always()
    name: Post Workflow Status To Slack
      - job-1
      - job-2
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # actions.read permission is required.
      actions: 'read'
      - name: Slack Workflow Notification
        uses: Gamesight/slack-workflow-status@master
          # Required Input
          repo_token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
          slack_webhook_url: ${{secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}}
          # Optional Input
          channel: '#anthony-test-channel'
          name: 'Anthony Workflow Bot'
          icon_emoji: ':poop:'
          icon_url: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/1701160?s=96&v=4'

This action can also be used for Pull Request workflows and will include pull request information in the notification.

<img src="./docs/images/example-pr.png" title="Slack Pull Request Example">

developed and maintained by: gamesight.io