

DropPoint - Make Drag 'n' Drop easier Twitter


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Make drag-and-drop easier using DropPoint!

DropPoint helps you drag content without having to open side-by-side windows

Works on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

Table of Contents

:sparkles: Demo

Across maximized windows in the same desktop

Drag between windows

Across windows in different virtual desktops/workspaces

Drag between desktops

:package: How to Install (Normal Installation)

Go to the Releases Page to download the latest releases

:v: Usage

:gear: Developer Installation

You must have NPM and Git installed in your PC

  1. Clone repo and change into directory
    git clone https://github.com/GameGodS3/DropPoint.git
    cd DropPoint
  2. Install dependencies and run
     npm install
     npm start

:star: Contribution

Contributions are welcome 😃.

Please do refer to our Contributing Guidelines and Pull Request Templates before making a Pull Request.

:heart: Credits
