

Angular V17 Template · GitHub License Static Badge Static Badge

The Angular V17 Template is an advanced and comprehensive tool for efficiently bootstrapping Angular projects. Built for the latest version of Angular, this template offers a well-organized directory structure, ready for scalable development. Additionally, it features an integrated system to handle error pages and site maintenance states, providing a robust development experience and easing the creation of modern web applications. With clear requirements and simple installation, the Angular V17 Template is the ideal choice for developers seeking a solid and flexible foundation for their Angular projects.


Step 1 - Install the Angular CLI

You are first going to need to install the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. The CLI helps you to start new Angular project as well as assist you during development. In your CMD (terminal) type:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 2 - Clone the template

If you are using GitHub Desktop:

  1. On GitHub Desktop, click on "File" and then "Clone Repository."
  2. Paste the URL of the repository you copied earlier into the "Repository URL" box.
  3. Choose the local directory where you want to clone the repository.
  4. Click the "Clone" button to initiate the cloning process.

If you are using only Git Bash:

  1. Open Git Bash in the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  2. Enter the command git clone followed by the URL you copied:
    git clone https://github.com/GabrielToth/Angular-V17-Template
  3. Use the cd command to enter the directory of the cloned repository:
    cd Angular-V17-Template

Step 3 - Install all packages

Install all packages and dependences from package.json:

npm i

Step 4 - Change project name

In Visual Studio Code open Search Tool, search for:


On replace type the name of your project.

Folder Structure

The project follows a specific folder structure to ensure organization and clarity. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

Project Organization

To maintain consistency and ease collaboration, the project follows the GitFlow branching model. The main branches are:

Commit and Push Guidelines

To maintain a clean and well-documented version history, follow these guidelines:

  1. Feature Development:

    • Create a new branch for each feature or enhancement.
    • Use clear and concise commit messages, adhering to the Conventional Commits standard (e.g., 'feat:', 'fix:', 'docs:', etc.).
    • Regularly push changes to the remote repository.
  2. Bug Fixes:

    • Create a new branch for each bug fix.
    • Include a reference to the issue being addressed in your commit message.
    • Use clear and concise commit messages, following the Conventional Commits standard.
    • Push changes promptly.
  3. Code Review:

    • Before merging into develop or main, ensure that your code has been reviewed.
    • Address feedback and retest.
    • Ensure commit messages follow the Conventional Commits standard.
  4. GitFlow Model:

    • Strictly adhere to the GitFlow branching model.
    • Respect the roles and responsibilities defined by GitFlow.
    • Use Conventional Commits standard for commit messages.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can maintain a well-organized and collaborative development environment. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please refer to this documentation or reach out to the project team.

Issues with Husky?

If you are experiencing difficulties while committing or pushing your solution, we recommend checking Issue #5 or the issues in the Husky repository for a more detailed understanding of reported problems.

Issue #5: Link to Issue #5

Husky plays a crucial role in code quality control, and issues related to it can impact the development workflow. Make sure to review discussions in the issues to find solutions or relevant information about any specific problem you might be facing.

Remember, transparent and collaborative communication is key to overcoming challenges and continuously improving the development environment. We are here to help ensure a positive experience with the Angular V17 Template.

Feel free to tailor this draft to fit the specifics of your project and documentation style.