

<h1 align="center">🔎 IDAFuzzy 🔍</h1> <p>Fuzzy searching tool for IDA Pro.</p>

What's IDAFuzzy?

IDAFuzzy is fuzzy searching tool for IDA Pro. This tool helps you to find command/function/struct and so on. This tool is usefull when

  1. You don't remember all shortcut.
  2. You don't remember all function/struct name exactly.

This tool is inspired by Mac's Spotlight and Intellij's Search Everywhere dialog.

(Only IDA Pro 7 is tested.)


It requires <a href="https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy">fuzzywuzzy</a>.

pip install fuzzywuzzy[speedup]


Put ida_fuzzy.py into plugins directory.


Just do as follows.

  1. Type SHIFT+SPACE.
  2. Type as you like. (e.g. "snap da")
  3. Type TAB for selecting.(First one is automatically selected.)
  4. Type Enter to (execute command/jump to address/jump to struct definition).
<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/Ga-ryo/IDAFuzzy/blob/master/screenshots/idafuzzy.gif"></p>

Jump to function

<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/Ga-ryo/IDAFuzzy/blob/master/screenshots/jumpf.gif"></p>

Jump to struct definition

<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/Ga-ryo/IDAFuzzy/blob/master/screenshots/structdef.gif"></p>