


Code for the ACL 2022 paper

Yanzhe Zhang, Xuezhi Wang and Diyi Yang: Continual Sequence Generation with Adaptive Compositional Modules

Arxiv version

Model Growing Process

    title={Continual Sequence Generation with Adaptive Compositional Modules},
    author={Yanzhe Zhang and Xuezhi Wang and Diyi Yang},


The data processing process of this paper is following LAMOL and L2KD. You can download the preprocess datasets in their repo.

If you want to run your own datasets, please following their guidelines to prepare the data.


Requirements.txt provide some dependencies. All experiments in this paper are run on 2080 Ti with PyTorch 1.9.

(Note that the authors themselves observe that the same code might get different numbers on different devices/library versions, and the findings in the paper still hold.)

Note that the folder mytransformers contains the 2.0 version of adapter-transformers (aka AdaphterHub). We add some necessary functions to support our framework.


  1. Create the following two directories in wherever you want. (you can name the directories arbitrarily):
    • data directory: Where the dataset will be load by the model.
    • model directory: The place for the model to dump its outputs.
  2. Download the dataset using link in prior work's repo.
  3. Setup env file.
  4. Install pyrouge manually, you might find this link useful.
  5. Setup other necessary customized configs.

Training and Testing

  1. Follow guidelines in prior work's repo: LAMOL and L2KD.
  2. We provide examples in LAMOL.sh and LAMOL_myadaptor.sh.
  3. We also provide the details of different hyper parameters in LAMOL.sh and LAMOL_myadaptor.sh.

Tips from the authors

  1. We add a lot of args in settings.py and settings_myadaptor.py. Many of them are not used in our paper, but might be used somewhere in the code (without functioning). For used args we add on the original implementation of LAMOL, we add help to help you know the role of those args.
  2. Our code is based on two prior repos: (i) LAMOL and its following work (LAMOL and L2KD) (ii) adapter-transformer 2.0. Here are some suggestions to understand our code:
    1. For training and testing logic, the pattern of LAMOL, try to first read the code from LAMOL.
    2. For how to add and use adapter module, try to first read the source code/framework of adapterhub to have basic understanding of how they implement adding adapters and set training adapters.


(Copy from their acknowledgement as follow:)


If you use or find this repo useful, please consider citing following papers

    title={Continual Sequence Generation with Adaptive Compositional Modules},
    author={Yanzhe Zhang and Xuezhi Wang and Diyi Yang},


  title={Lifelong Language Knowledge Distillation},
  author={Chuang, Yung-Sung and Su, Shang-Yu and Chen, Yun-Nung},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02123},

  title={LAMOL: LAnguage MOdeling for Lifelong Language Learning},
  author={Sun, Fan-Keng and Ho, Cheng-Hao and Lee, Hung-Yi},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


If you have any questions about our paper and code, please contact Yanzhe Zhang via z_yanzhe AT gatech.edu.