


Evaluate three types of task shifting with popular continual learning algorithms.

This repository implemented and modularized following algorithms with PyTorch:

All the above algorithms are compared to following baselines with the same static memory overhead:

Key tables:

<img src="fig/task_shifts.png" width="640"></a> <img src="fig/results_split_mnist.png" width="640"></a>

If this repository helps your work, please cite:

  title={Re-evaluating Continual Learning Scenarios: A Categorization and Case for Strong Baselines},
  author={Yen-Chang Hsu and Yen-Cheng Liu and Anita Ramasamy and Zsolt Kira},
  booktitle={NeurIPS Continual learning Workshop },


This repository was tested with Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.0.1.post2. Part of the cases is tested with PyTorch 1.5.1 and gives the same results.

pip install -r requirements.txt


The scripts for reproducing the results of this paper are under the scripts folder.

./scripts/split_MNIST_incremental_domain.sh 0
# The last number is gpuid
# Outputs will be saved in ./outputs
===Summary of experiment repeats: 3 / 3 ===
The regularization coefficient: 400.0
The last avg acc of all repeats: [90.517 90.648 91.069]
mean: 90.74466666666666 std: 0.23549144829955856
reg_coef: 0.1 mean: 76.08566666666667 std: 1.097717733400629
reg_coef: 1.0 mean: 77.59100000000001 std: 2.100847606721314
reg_coef: 10.0 mean: 84.33933333333334 std: 0.3592671553160509
reg_coef: 100.0 mean: 90.83800000000001 std: 0.6913701372395712
reg_coef: 1000.0 mean: 87.48566666666666 std: 0.5440161353816179
reg_coef: 5000.0 mean: 68.99133333333333 std: 1.6824762174313899


Lookup available options:

python iBatchLearn.py -h

Other results

Below are CIFAR100 results. Please refer to the scripts for details.

<img src="fig/results_split_cifar100.png" width="640"></a>