


Copyright 2023 GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited. All rights reserved.

Code associated with the seq2cells manuscript.

Seq2cells provides a framework for predicting single-cell gene expression from DNA sequence. Seq2cells consists of two modules, seq2emb and emb2cell. The input to seq2emb is a ~200kb DNA sequence centered on the transcription start site (TSS) of a gene. The output from emb2cell is the predicted expression in each cell of a given single cell dataset.

<img alt="seq2cells_workflow_overview" width="300px" src="docs/seq2cells_workflow.png" />

As the seq2emb module we use the trunk of Enformer. From the Enformer trunk output we extract the DNA sequence embedding of the TSS. As the emb2cell module we train a two-layer MLP. The model can be run end-to-end or using cached DNA sequence embeddings.

Bulk expression data or pseudo-bulked single cell expression data can be also be processed if provided as a single cell AnnData matrix where the cell axis is replaced by a cell type axis.

Links & Resources


# create env
conda env create -n seq2cells -f environment.yml

# activate env
conda activate seq2cells

# add seq2cell directory to PYTHONPATH:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/Path/to/location"
conda install -c bioconda bedtools
bedtools intersect --help

or see bedtools install instructions.

Note: Pinned versions are those used in the manuscript. Other versions were not tested. Miniconda v4.12.0 was used.


Under tests we provide minimal .sh scripts to run the seq2cell workflow(s) using a toy single cell dataset of 50 genes for 2600 cells.

# Navigate to tests directory
cd tests

1) Pre-process TSS repro_preprocess.sh

sh repro_preprocess.sh <hg38.fa>

2) Train model repro_train_sh

sh repro_train_sh

3) Predict and evaluate repro_predict_eval.sh

sh repro_predict_eval.sh <checkpoint.ckpt>

4) Variant effect prediction repro_vep.sh

sh repro_vep.sh <checkpoint.ckpt> <hg38.fa>


wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/hg38.fa.gz

Full Workflow


Single cell data:

If pre-computing sequence embeddings yourself you will also need:

Gene annotation or other regions of interest and a reference genome file in fasta format.


0. Short-cuts

Pre-processing may be skipped by using the provided data:

1. Formatting the sequence queries.

Details for getting sequence queries and preprocessed TSS embeddings are documented here. In brief, given a set of regions of interest (ROI), e.g. TSS, a sequence query file and precomputed sequence embeddings are produced.

2. Acquiring the single cell data and processing them further if needed.

If using publicly available single cell data, we recommend downloading processed count matrices or re-analysing raw data as described by the respective authors. We used library-size-normalized, log(x+1) transformed and covariates-regressed-out observations for the manuscript.

3. Combining single cell data and TSS embeddings.

The process involves:

Using add_embeddings_to_anndata.py

python add_embeddings_to_anndata.py \
  --query query_gencode_v41_protein_coding_canonical_tss_hg38_nostitch.tsv \
  --anndata single_cell_data.h5ad \
  --emb precomputed_embeddings.h5 \
  --out_name single_cell_data_with_embeddings \
  --valid_ids valid_ids.txt \
  --test_ids test_ids.txt \


Training a seq2cell module requires the processed single cell data with stored sequence embeddings in AnnData format. Training from DNA sequences without precomputed embeddings is possible but computationally expensive as the full Enformer trunk is run and trained if not frozen.

Inspect the logs with tensorboard and compare training and validation correlation across tss (genes) and across cells to assure you pick the optimal checkpoint. By default early stopping is employed on the validation set cross cell correlation with a patience of 5 epochs, requiring a minimum improvement of 0.001. The top 3 checkpoints are stored. We trained for a maximum of 30 epochs.

Using fine_tune_on_anndata.py

Adapt config_anndata_fine_tune.yml . Or use the provided configuration for training a model on the toy pbmc dataset only adjust the output directory, the path to the toy single cell data and to your copy of the hg38 reference genome.

python eval_single_cell_model.py config_file=config_anndata_eval.yml

Pretrained model checkpoints are available to download under seq2cells_datashare/models


Trained models are evaluated by comparing the observed and predicted expression and calculating the mean cross-gene and cross-cell correlation as well as a the cross-cell correlation per gene using eval_single_cell_model.py

Requires a model checkpoint and an AnnData object matching the trained model.

The model is loaded and run in inference mode and the predicted expression values are usually saved in a copy of the AnnData object.

If inference has already been run, the AnnData object with stored predictions can be used to skip the prediction step.

Adapt config_anndata_eval.yml or use the provided configuration for evaluating on the toy pbmc dataset.

python eval_single_cell_model.py config_file=config_anndata_eval.yml

Note: Inference is only supported on a single device.

Variant Effect Prediction

Adapt config_predict_variant_effect.yml or use the provided configuration for predicting 3 example variants with a model trained against the toy pbmc dataset . Note, this requires to run an example training run first. Alternatively, adjust the config to use one of the trained models provided via seq2cells_datashare.

python predict_variant_effect.py config_file=config_predict_variant_effect.yml
chr1_931513_T_C_b38    chr1    931513    T    C    ENSG00000187634.11
chr1_942951_C_T_b38    chr1    942951    C    T    ENSG00000187634.11
chr1_1050658_G_C_b38    chr1    1050658    G    C    ENSG00000188976.10
from enformer_pytorch import Enformer

enformer = Enformer.from_pretrained('EleutherAI/enformer-official-rough')
