


Tightly Integrating Deep Dense Visual Bundle Adjustment with Multiple Sensors for Large-Scale Localization and Mapping

<div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/abstract.png" width='500px' /> </div>

[Paper] [Video] (coming soon...☕)

What is this?

DBA-Fusion is basically a VIO system which fuses DROID-SLAM-like dense bundle adjustment (DBA) with classic factor graph optimization. This work enables realtime metric-scale localization and dense mapping with excellent accuracy and robustness. Besides, this framework supports the flexible fusion of multiple sensors like GNSS or wheel speed sensors, extending its applicability to large-scale scenarios.
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<div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/Hv.svg" width='400px' /> </div> <br /> <div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/0005.gif" width='500px' /> </div> <div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/outdoors6.gif" width='500px' /> </div>

Update log


The pipeline of the work is based on python, and the computation part is mainly based on Pytorch (with CUDA) and GTSAM.

Use the following commands to set up the python environment.

conda create -n dbaf python=3.10.11
conda activate dbaf
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
pip install torch-scatter==2.0.9 -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.11.0+cu113.html
pip install gdown tqdm numpy==1.25.0 numpy-quaternion==2022.4.3 opencv-python== scipy pyparsing matplotlib h5py 
pip install evo --upgrade --no-binary evo
pip install open3d # optional for visualization

As for GTSAM, we make some modifications to it to extend the python wrapper APIs, clone it from the following repository and install it under your python environment.

git clone https://github.com/ZhouTangtang/gtsam.git
cd gtsam
mkdir build
cd build
make python-install

Finally, run the following command to build DBA-Fusion.

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/GREAT-WHU/DBA-Fusion.git
cd DBA-Fusion
python setup.py install

Run DBA-Fusion

We don't modify the model of DROID-SLAM so you can directly employ the weight trained for DROID-SLAM. Here we use the model pre-trained on TartanAir (provided by DROID-SLAM), which shows great zero-shot performance on real-world datasets.

(Attention!!!) For the default configurations, around ~10GB GPU memory is needed. Lower the "max_factors" argument to 36 or lower could help reduce the memory usage to ~6GB.


1.1 Download the TUM-VI datasets (512*512).

(Optional) For better speed performance, it is recommended to convert the PNG images to a single HDF5 file through

python dataset/tumvi_to_hdf5.py --imagedir=${DATASET_DIR}/dataset-${SEQ}_512_16/mav0/cam0/data --imagestamp=${DATASET_DIR}/dataset-${SEQ}_512_16/mav0/cam0/data.csv --h5path=${SEQ}.h5 --calib=calib/tumvi.txt --stride 4

1.2 Specify the data path in batch_tumvi.py (if you use HDF5 file, activate the "--enable_h5" and "--h5_path" arguments), run the following command

python batch_tumvi.py  # This would trigger demo_vio_tumvi.py automatically.

Look into demo_vio_tumvi.py to learn about the arguments. Data loading and almost all the parameters are specified in this one file.

1.3 The outputs of the program includes a text file which contains real-time navigation results and a .pkl file which contains all keyframe poses and point clouds.

To evaluate the realtime pose estimation performance, run the following command (notice to change the file paths in evaluate_kitti.py)

python evaluation_scripts/evaluate_tumvi.py --seq ${SEQ}


python evaluation_scripts/batch_evaluate_tumvi.py

For 3D visualization, currently we haven't handled the realtime visualization functionality. Run the scripts in the "visualization" folder for post-time visualization.

python visualization/check_reconstruction_tumvi.py

2. KITTI-360

2.1 Download the KITTI-360 datasets. Notice that we use the unrectified perspective images for the evaluation (named like "2013_05_28_drive_XXXX_sync/image_00/data_rgb").

For IMU data and IMU-centered ground-truth poses, we transform the axises to Right-Forward-Up (RFU) and check the synchronization. Besides, we use OpenVINS (in stereo VIO mode) to online refine the Camera-IMU extrinsics and time offsets (whose pre-calibrated values seem not very accurate) on the sequences. The refined parameters are used for for all the tests.

To reproduce the results, just download the our prepared IMU and ground-truth data from here, then uncompress it to the data path.

(Optional) Similar to the TUM-VI part, you can use the following script to generate a HDF5 file for best speed performance.

python dataset/kitti360_to_hdf5.py --imagedir=${DATASET_DIR}/2013_05_28_drive_%s_sync/image_00/data_rgb --imagestamp=${DATASET_DIR}/2013_05_28_drive_%s_sync/camstamp.txt --h5path=${SEQ}.h5 --calib=calib/kitti360.txt --stride 2

2.2 Run the following command

python batch_kitti360.py

Dataloading and parameters are specified in demo_vio_kitti360.py.

2.3 For evaluation and visualization, run

python evaluation_scripts/evaluate_kitti360.py --seq ${SEQ}
python visualization/check_reconstruction_kitti360.py

3. WUH1012

Download our self-collected data sequence from here.

See batch_whu.py for multi-sensor fusion in different modes (VIO + wheel speed/GNSS), as described in the manuscript.

4. Run on Your Own Dataset

To run monocular VIO on your own dataset,

Some Results

<div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/lidar.jpg" width='500px' /> </div> <div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/postprocessing.png" width='750px' /> </div>


DBA-Fusion is developed by GREAT (GNSS+ REsearch, Application and Teaching) Group, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University.

<br/> <div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/GREAT.png" width='300px' /> </div> <br/> <div align=center> <img alt="" src="./assets/whu.png" width='300px' /> </div> <br/>

This work is based on DROID-SLAM and GTSAM. We use evaluation tools from evo and 3D visualization tools from Open3d.