

<h1>Welcome to the AMD FidelityFX™ SDK 1.1.2</h1>

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The FidelityFX SDK is a collection of heavily optimized, open source technologies (shader and runtime code) that can be used by developers to improve their DirectX® 12 or Vulkan® applications.

The FidelityFX SDK includes:

FidelityFX SDK TechniqueSamplesGPUOpen pageDescription
Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion (CACAO) 1.4CACAO sampleFidelityFX Ambient OcclusionUses intelligent and adaptive sampling techniques to produce excellent quality ambient occlusion at high performance.
Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (CAS) 1.2CAS sampleFidelityFX Contrast Adaptive SharpeningImplements a sharpening kernel that reclaims that high-frequency detail lost during rendering.
Denoiser 1.3n/aFidelityFX DenoiserProvides a set of denoising compute shaders which remove artifacts from reflection and shadow rendering. Useful for both raytraced or rasterized content.
Classifier 1.3n/an/aProvides a set of tile classification compute shaders which prepare tile metadata to drive indirect workload generation. It's useful for guided and load-balanced ray tracing applications, letting you leverage ray tracing in an efficient manner.
Luminance Preserving Mapper 1.4LPM sampleFidelityFX HDR MapperOffers a tone mapping and gamut mapping solution for HDR and wide gamut content.
Parallel Sort 1.3Parallel Sort sampleFidelityFX Parallel SortImplements GPU-accelerated parallel sorting techniques. The sorts are stable useful for sorting particles or other GPU-side data sets.
Single Pass Downsampler 2.2SPD sampleFidelityFX DownsamplerAllows you to downsample surfaces - and optionally generate a MIPmap chain - in a single compute dispatch.
Stochastic Screen-Space Reflections 1.5SSSR sampleFidelityFX Screen Space ReflectionsProvides high-fidelity screen-spaced reflections in your scene, without a hefty performance price tag.
Super Resolution (Spatial) 1.2Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super ResolutionOffers a spatial single-frame solution for producing higher resolution frames from lower resolution inputs.
Super Resolution (Temporal) 2.3.2Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super Resolution 2Offers both spatial single-frame and temporal multi-frame solutions for producing high resolution frames from lower resolution inputs.
Super Resolution 3 3.1.2Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super Resolution 3Offers generation of interpolated frames in combination with our temporal multi-frame solution for producing high resolution frames from lower resolution inputs.
Super Resolution (Upscaler) 3.1.2Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super Resolution 3Offers temporal multi-frame solutions for producing high resolution frames from lower resolution inputs.
Frame Interpolation 1.1.1Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super Resolution 3Offers generation of interpolated frames from multiple real input frames, and multiple sources of motion vector data.
Frame Interpolation SwapChain 1.1.1Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super Resolution 3A replacement DXGI Swapchain implementation for DX12 which allows for additional frames to be presented along with real game frames, with relevant frame pacing.
Optical Flow 1.1.2Super Resolution sampleFidelityFX Super Resolution 3Offers a motion-estimation algorithm which is useful for generating block-based motion vectors from temporal image inputs.
Variable Shading 1.2Variable Shading sampleFidelityFX Variable ShadingHelps you to drive Variable Rate Shading hardware introduced in RDNA2-based and contemporary GPUs, by analyzing the luminance of pixels in a tile to determine where the shading rate can be lowered to increase performance.
Blur 1.1Blur sampleFidelityFX BlurA library of highly optimized functions which perform common blurring operations such as Gaussian blur, radial blurs, and others.
Depth-of-Field 1.1DoF sampleFidelityFX Depth of FieldImplements a high-quality DOF filter complete with bokeh.
Lens 1.1Lens sampleFidelityFX LensImplements a library of optimized lens effects including chromatic aberration, film grain, and vignetting.
Classifier (Shadows) 1.3 Denoiser (Shadows) 1.2Hybrid Shadows sample 1.1FidelityFX Hybrid ShadowsAn implementation of an example shadowing technique which shows you how you could combine rasterized shadow maps and hardware ray tracing to deliver high quality soft shadows at a reasonable performance cost.
Classifier (Reflections) 1.3 Denoiser (Reflections) 1.2Hybrid Reflections sample 1.1FidelityFX Hybrid ReflectionsAn implementation of an an example reflections technique which shows you how you could mix FidelityFX SSSR with ray traced reflections, delivering higher quality reflections than SSSR alone at reasonable performance cost.
Breadcrumbs library 1.0Breadcrumbs sampleFidelityFX Breadcrumbs LibraryLibrary aiding with post-mortem GPU crash analysis.
Brixelizer 1.0Brixelizer GI sampleFidelityFX Brixelizer GIA compute-based, highly-optimized sparse distance fields technique.
Brixelizer GI 1.0Brixelizer GI sampleFidelityFX Brixelizer GIA compute-based, highly-optimized global illumination technique, built with Brixelizer.
<h2>Further information</h2> <h2>Known issues</h2>
AMD FidelityFX SDK SampleAPI / ConfigurationProblem Description
FidelityFX CAS / FidelityFX SSSRDX12 / Release configurationWhen unchecking vsync option and losing window focus, some flickering can be observed on some GPUs.
FidelityFX CACAOVK / Release configuration"Unable to create swapchain" message can occur on select GPU manufacturers.
FidelityFX FSR APIVK / Release configurationUI flickering/disappearing may occur on some Intel Arc GPUs. Occasional hangs may also occur (change and regain Window focus to continue)
FidelityFX LensVulkan / All configurationsEnabling FP16 version on select Arc GPUs will cause device loss.
FidelityFX LPMVulkan / All configurationsWhen rapidly pressing alt-enter to go to full screen mode and back, the HDR display handle can occasionally become lost leading to a dim screen until another full screen toggle is applied again.
FidelityFX Hybrid Shadows / FidelityFX FSRVulkan / All configurationsDue to resource view handling in the native Vulkan backend, the ability to change the number of cascades on a directional light in Vulkan samples has been disabled to prevent sample instability.
FidelityFX DOFAll APIs / All ConfigsSome artifacts may occur on some Intel Arc GPUs.
All FidelityFX SDK SamplesAll APIs / All ConfigsThere is a resource leak in the UploadContext used to load glTF content.
All FidelityFX SDK SamplesAll APIs / All ConfigsWindows path length restrictions may cause compile issues. It is recommended to place the SDK close to the root of a drive or use subst or a mklink to shorten the path.
<h2>Open source</h2>

AMD FidelityFX SDK is open source, and available under the MIT license.

For more information on the license terms please refer to license.


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