

Virtual TErminal

VTE provides a virtual terminal widget for GTK applications.

Source & Releases

To get the source code, use

$ git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte

To get the source for a release version, use the corresponding git tag, or download a tarball at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte/-/archive/TAG/vte-TAG.tar.bz2 replacing TAG with the desired tag's name (e.g. 0.64.0).

Tarballs for new, and also older pre-git releases, may still be available on download.gnome.org, but please note that any tarball for releases after 0.60.3 were made by either the gnome release team or other gnome contributors, but not by a VTE maintainer.


$ git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte  # Get the source code of VTE
$ cd vte                                        # Change to the toplevel directory
$ meson _build                                  # Run the configure script
$ ninja -C _build                               # Build VTE
[ Optional ]
$ ninja -C _build install                       # Install VTE to default `/usr/local`


After installing VTE with -Ddebugg=true flag, you can use VTE_DEBUG variable to control VTE to print out the debug information

# You should change vte-[2.91] to the version you build
$ VTE_DEBUG=selection ./_build/src/app/vte-2.91

# Or, you can mixup with multiple logging level
$ VTE_DEBUG=selection,draw,cell ./_build/src/app/vte-2.91

$ Or, you can use `all` to print out all logging message
$ VTE_DEBUG=all ./_build/src/app/vte-2.91

For logging level information, please refer to enum VteDebugFlags.


Bugs should be filed here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte/issues/ Please note that this is not a support forum; if you are a end user, always file bugs in your distribution's bug tracker, or use their support forums.

If you want to provide a patch, please attach them to an issue in GNOME GitLab, in the format output by the git format-patch command.

When providing a patch, make sure to add the correct licensing headers to each new file. If code was taken from somewhere else, note from where it was taken and under which license it was there. You must only contribute code that you have either written yourself, or that was copied from a source whose license is LGPL3+ compatible. You may not contribute any code that was written, whether wholly or partly, by using AI in any form.