

<p align="center"> <picture> <img alt="gaustudio" src="assets/logo.PNG" width="30%"> </picture> </p> <p align="center"> <b>GauStudio is a modular framework that supports and accelerates research and development in the rapidly advancing field of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) and its diverse applications.</b> </p> <img alt="gaustudio" src="https://github.com/GAP-LAB-CUHK-SZ/gaustudio/assets/40767265/c7ae8183-583f-4467-ab67-e34c77c3bfd6" width="100%">

Paper | Document(Comming Soon)


Here's an improved version of the text with better structure and flow:


Download from Baidu Netdisk | Download from Hugging Face(Comming Soon)

To comprehensively evaluate the robustness of 3DGS methods under diverse lighting conditions, materials, and geometric structures, we have curated the following datasets:

1. Collection of 5 Synthetic Datasets in COLMAP Format

We have integrated 5 synthetic datasets: nerf_synthetic, refnerf_synthetic, nero_synthetic, nsvf_synthetic, and BlendedMVS, totaling 143 complex real-world scenes. To ensure compatibility, we have utilized COLMAP to perform feature matching and triangulation based on the original poses, uniformly converting all data to the COLMAP format.

2. Real-world Scenes with High-quality Normal Annotations and LoFTR Initialization


Before installing the software, please note that the following steps have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04. If you encounter any issues during the installation on Windows, we are open to addressing and resolving such issues.


Optional Step: Create a Conda Environment

It is recommended to create a conda environment before proceeding with the installation. You can create a conda environment using the following commands:

# Create a new conda environment
conda create -n gaustudio python=3.8
# Activate the conda environment
conda activate gaustudio

Step 1: Install PyTorch

You will need to install PyTorch. The software has been tested with torch1.12.1+cu113 and torch2.0.1+cu118, but other versions should also work fine. You can install PyTorch using conda as follows:

# Example command to install PyTorch version 1.12.1+cu113
conda install pytorch=1.12.1 torchvision=0.13.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

# Example command to install PyTorch version 2.0.1+cu118
pip install torch torchvision --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Install the necessary dependencies by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: Install Customed Rasterizer and Gaustudio

cd submodules/gaustudio-diff-gaussian-rasterization
python setup.py install
cd ../../
python setup.py develop

Optional Step: Install PyTorch3D

If you require mesh rendering and further mesh refinement, you can install PyTorch3D follow the link:


Mesh Extraction for 3DGS

<p align="center"> <picture> <img alt="gaustudio" src="https://github.com/GAP-LAB-CUHK-SZ/gaustudio/assets/40767265/ee6bf7ae-379b-4264-9065-2929f1654c9a" width="100%"> </picture> </p>

Prepare the input data

We currently support the output directory generated by most gaussian splatting methods such as 3DGS, mip-splatting, GaussianPro with the following minimal structure:

- output_dir
    - cameras.json (necessary)
    - point_cloud 
        - iteration_xxxx
            - point_cloud.ply (necessary)

We are preparing some demo data(comming soon) for quick-start testing.

Running the Mesh Extraction

To extract a mesh from the input data, run the following command:

gs-extract-mesh -m ./data/1750250955326095360_data/result -o ./output/1750250955326095360_data

Replace ./data/1750250955326095360_data/result with the path to your input output_dir. Replace ./output/1750250955326095360_data with the desired path for the output mesh.

Binding Texture to the Mesh

The output data is organized in the same format as mvs-texturing. Follow these steps to add texture to the mesh:

texrecon ./images ./fused_mesh.ply ./textured_mesh --outlier_removal=gauss_clamping --data_term=area --no_intermediate_results

Plan of Release

GauStudio will support more 3DGS-based methods in the near future, if you are also interested in GauStudio and want to improve it, welcome to submit PR!


If you found this library useful for your research, please consider citing:

  title={GauStudio: A Modular Framework for 3D Gaussian Splatting and Beyond},
  author={Ye, Chongjie and Nie, Yinyu and Chang, Jiahao and Chen, Yuantao and Zhi, Yihao and Han, Xiaoguang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.19632},


The code is released under the MIT License except the rasterizer. We also welcome commercial cooperation to advance the applications of 3DGS and address unresolved issues. If you are interested, welcome to contact Chongjie at chongjieye@link.cuhk.edu.cn