

Rickroll-Lang VSCode Extension

Syntax highlighting and Snippets for the Rickroll-Lang programming language

What is this?

This VS Code extension provides 3 things, Snippets, Syntax Highlighting and Rickroll Commands. It works with rickroll files so to get support for the syntax highlighting use one of the supported file extenstions: .rickroll, .rr, .ricklang, .rickastley, .rick. You can see an example of the syntax highlighting below.

This extenstion also provides snippets for common rickroll-lang keywords or statments. For example if you want to print something you could type the whole print statement out i just wanna tell you how im feeling or you could type rr-print and it would insert the statement there.

Lastly the extension provides to commands: Rickroll and Rickroll Me. Rickroll will open "Never gonna give you up" in your browser wherase Rickroll Me will rickroll you in vscode itself.


The Rick Roll programming language is a rickroll based, process oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language. All of the keywords/statements are from Rick Astley's lyrics.



With vs Without:

<img width="300" height="190" src="./assets/with.jpg"> <img width="300" height="190" src="./assets/without.jpg">