

MambaFoley: Foley Sound Generation using Selective State-Space Models

arXiv Marco Furio Colombo, Francesca Ronchini, Luca Comanducci, Fabio Antonacci

<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/mfoley_black-box.png" width="70%"/> </p>

This repository contains the implementation of the paper, MambaFoley: Foley Sound Generation using Selective State-Space Models, submitted to ICASSP 2024.

In our paper, we propose MambaFoley, a waveform generation model for Foley sound synthesis, which can generate high-quality audio considering both sound class and when sound should be arranged. For the generation task we employ a diffusion model, with mamba layers in the UNet bottleneck for audio sequence modeling.

<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/unet.png" width="70%"/> </p>

Audio Samples

A webpage providing a showcase for generated audio samples is available at this link.


To get started, please prepare the codes and python environment.

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/FurioColombo/mamba-foley
    cd ./mamba-foley
  2. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:

    # (Optional) Create a conda virtual environment
    conda create -n env-mamba-foley python=3.8.0
    conda activate env-mamba-foley
    # Install dependency with pip. Choose appropriate cuda version
    pip install torch==2.2.0 torchvision==0.17.0 torchaudio==2.2.0 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
    pip install -r requirements.txt


To train and evaluate our model, we used DCASE 2023 Challenge Task 7 which was constructed for Foley Sound Synthesis. Click the link above links to download the corresponding datasets.

  1. Download and unzip the DCASE 2023 task 7 dataset. Due to the mismatch between the provided csv and actual data files, please make valid filelists(.txt) using the provided scripts:
    wget http://zenodo.org/records/8091972/files/DCASE_2023_Challenge_Task_7_Dataset.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf DCASE_2023_Challenge_Task_7_Dataset.tar.gz
    rm DCASE_2023_Challenge_Task_7_Dataset.tar.gz
    sh scripts/bash/rename_dirs.sh
    sh scripts/bash/make_filelist.sh

Scripts configurations

Every python script has a corresponding .json config file, which contains all settings for the script configuration.

You can find a scripts configuration explanation in the folders containing the relative config files:


To perform inference using our model, follow these steps:

  1. Download the pre-trained model weights and configurations from the following link: pretrained model download.

    wget https://sandbox.zenodo.org/records/111421/files/pretrained.zip 
  2. Unzip and place the downloaded model weights and config json file in the ./pretrained directory.

    unzip pretrained.zip
    rm pretrained.zip
  3. Check and edit the settings in the corresponding config file: inference_config.json<br>

  4. Run the inference script by executing the following command:

    python scripts/python/inference/inference.py


To train the T-Foley model, follow these steps:

  1. If you plan to use a dataset different from the DCASE 2023 task 7 dataset, download it and make prepare it in a dedicated folder.

  2. If you use other dataset, prepare file path list of your training data as .txt format and configure its path in the training configuration file, changing the corresponding fields: train_dirs, test_dirs. <br> <br>

  3. (optional) - recommended to skip this step <br> If you wish to load the conditioning from file instead of computing it on the go:

    python scripts/python/dataset/create_cond_dataset.py

<br> <br>

  1. Check the training configuration file settings, making sure it matches all your needs

  2. Run the training:

    python scripts/python/training/train_model.py

    This will start the training process and save the trained model weights in the train_logs/ directory.

    To see the training on tensorboard, run:

    tensorboard --logdir train_logs/


      title={MambaFoley: Foley Sound Generation using Selective State-Space Models}, 
      author={Marco Furio Colombo and Francesca Ronchini and Luca Comanducci and Fabio Antonacci},


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.