

In Heat

(Deprecated with the release of Overwatch 2, see Underwatch for a similar OW2-compatible mod)

A windows application to control sex toys based on the user's performance in Overwatch (On-fire Meter)

Here's a list of suported devices (only vibrating or linear toys will work for now): https://iostindex.com/?filter0ButtplugSupport=4


Making It Run

Video Tutorial: https://youtu.be/tNbJhKMKyC4

Bugs And Observations


If you want to make a comment or need suport, feel free to go to my discord server.

How It Works

Controling Devices

In Heat uses the Buttplug library. Buttplug is an open-source standards and software project for controlling intimate hardware, including sex toys, fucking machines, and more.

Tracking The On-fire Meter

In Heat uses Emgu CV, a C# image processing library, to locate the brightest cyan spot on the bar area, and calculate the distance from the capture box origin;