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Wire is runtime depedency injection/wiring for golang. It's designed to be strict to avoid your go application running without proper dependency injected.



go get github.com/Fs02/wire


package wire_test

import (


type Listener struct{}

func (listener Listener) Next() string {
	return "system"

type Printer interface {
	Exec(string) error

type SystemPrint struct {
	App string `wire:""`

func (systemPrint SystemPrint) Exec(msg string) error {
	fmt.Println("[" + systemPrint.App + "] System: " + msg)
	return nil

type UserPrint struct {
	App    string `wire:""`
	Target string

func (userPrint UserPrint) Exec(msg string) error {
	fmt.Println("[" + userPrint.App + "]" + userPrint.Target + ": " + msg)
	return nil

type Service struct {
	// Each of `wire`` tag below indicate fields to be wired with apporpriate component.
	// value inside `wire` tag indicate the name of the component and optionally it's type.
	// `wire` with empty value will be wired with default value (named using empty string).
	// Ambiguous field can be resolved by adding it's type, name or both (separated using comma) to the `wire` tag.
	// Don't worry if you forgot to add wire tag to an interface or a pointer, wire will warn you if any nil field are found.
	// To ignore wiring on specific field, you can use add `wire:"-"`.
	Listener     Listener `wire:""`
	SystemPrint  Printer  `wire:",SystemPrint"`
	FooUserPrint Printer  `wire:"foo"`
	BooUserPrint Printer  `wire:"boo,UserPrint"`

func (service Service) Update() error {
	switch service.Listener.Next() {
	case "system":
		return service.SystemPrint.Exec("hello from system")
	case "user-foo":
		return service.FooUserPrint.Exec("hello from foo")
	case "user-boo":
		return service.BooUserPrint.Exec("hello from boo")
		return nil

func init() {
	// add components to be wired by the library.
	// wire all components only once and as early as possible.
	wire.Connect(Listener{})                       // we don't need to pass by reference here, since it doesn't require any wiring.
	wire.Connect(&SystemPrint{})                   // we need to pass by reference it to allow wiring, wire will panic if we pass by value.
	wire.Connect(&UserPrint{Target: "foo"}, "foo") // wire a UserPrint named by "foo".
	wire.Connect(&UserPrint{Target: "boo"}, "boo") // wire a UserPrint named by "boo", wire will panic if there's duplicate components detected.

	// Apply wiring

func Example() {
	// Resolve a service component to be used later.
	var service Service

	// Output: [CoolApp] System: hello from system


Released under the MIT License

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