

<p align="center"><a href="https://www.urbanterror.info" title="Urban Terror official website" target="_blank"><img src="github_frozensand.jpg" alt="Urban Terror 4" title="Urban Terror 4" /></a></p>

Urban Terror 4

This is the official GitHub repository for the game Urban Terror.

If you want to play the game, it's absolutely fun and completely free, just download it here.

If you want to contribute to the games' menu files and bot files, head over here and here.

If you encounter a bug while using the official UrTUpdater, please report it here instead.

If you want to discuss the future version of the game called Urban Terror Resurgence, go here.


Please follow these basic rules in order to keep this place nice:

Reporting Issues

If you encounter a bug while using Urban Terror 4, please first check that a similar issue hasn't been opened yet.

If your bug hasn't already been reported, please provide us at least the following information:

Please place huge logs using tools like Gist or Pastebin.

Feature Requests

While we always appreciate new feature requests, please note that we are heavily working on Urban Terror Resurgence and we are probably not going to implement huge changes to Urban Terror 4 anymore. Nevertheless, a section of our forums is dedicated to suggestions, feel free to post there.

Get In Touch

Thanks for your help!