Frosty's billboard is a container for the KAT (KillFrenzyAvatarText) making use of VRChat Avatar Dynamics and Unity Constraints you can have a speech bubble with the ability to drop it in the world, resizing it, grabbing and moving it around, posing it however you'd like, or just having it move with your head!
It uses 500 polygons, 4 material slots, 12 bits of parameter space, and 6 constraints.
Required parameter space for the text system will depend on how fast you want the text to render, read more Here
Speech Parsers
- TTS-Voice-Wizard
An OSC program allowing speech to text, speech to text to speech, and text to text outputting to the KAT, making use of one of five speech recognition methods, Microsoft Azure, OpenAI's Whisper, Vosk, Web Captioner, or System Speech.
- It also supports emotes replacing the original set of Japanese Hiragana, as seen in some screenshots
- Many more cool & quality of life features
- VRCTextboxSTT
Another OSC program making use of OpenAI's Whisper which runs locally on your GPU or CPU to transcribe speech and outputs to the KAT.
- In my experience it has great, almost Azure quality, speech recognition for free with a simple setup.
- Supports emotes and text to text.
- Intuitive SteamVR binding system, press to transcribe, hold to clear
Features & Showcase
Image Showcase
Video Demonstration
Speech to Text & emotes using VRCTextboxSTT
Hold it in your hand!
<img src="" width="640" height="360"> -
<img src="" width="640" height="360"> -
Drop it in the world and grab with a fist or thumbs up
<img src="" width="640" height="360"> -
Drop it anywhere and have it follow you
<img src="" width="640" height="360"> -
Customizability made easy!
<img src="" width="640" height="360"> -
Even AudioLink if you want!
- Someone have your shaders/custom animations hidden? A fallback message will show instead.
- KillFrenzyAvatarText 1.3.2
- VRLabs AV3 Manager to make installation much easier.
- Poiyomi 8.1 Specific version used is 8.1.163
- 12 bits of parameter space (Billboard only), 4 if you opt out for manual resizing.
- This prefab was made with write defaults off, your avatar should too to avoid potential issues. (or turn all write defaults on in the FX)
- PC ONLY. KAT uses a custom shader and the board itself uses constraints which is not quest supported.
Video Installation
Need help? Questions? Comments? You can find me at:
I5UCC's (TextboxSTT) <img src="" width="20" height="20"> Discord
and or DM me Frosty704#4638
Feel free to join the group! would love to meet anyone using my prefab
- KillFrenzyAvatarText
- TTSVoiceWizard
- VRCTextboxSTT
- VRLabs World Constraint
- Nintendofan12s for the Windows 95 Notepad image
- xxpillowprincessxx on Kofi for the Windows 95 window image