


Command line utility helps to develop components for NEAR Blockchain Operating System by allowing developers to use standard developer tools like their best code editor and standard tools for source code version control, and then deploy their components to SocialDB in one command.

<p> <img src="docs/media/new-project.svg" alt="" width="1200"> </p>

Command groups

project - Project management

components - Working with components (Download, Deploy, etc.)


By default, the Social DB prefix is computed as <account-id>/widget/<component-folder>.<component-name>. If you wish, you can change the default folder (widget) using CLI option: --social-db-folder:

bos components --social-db-folder "component_beta" download ...

socialdb - SocialDb management

data - Data management: viewing, adding, updating, deleting information by a given key

manage-profile - Profile management: view, update

prepaid-storage - Storage management: deposit, withdrawal, balance review

permissions - Granting access permissions to a different account

More commands are still on the way, see the issues tracker and propose more features there.


You can find binary releases of bos CLI for your OS on the Releases page.

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script (macOS, Linux, WSL)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/bos-cli-rs/bos-cli-rs/releases/latest/download/bos-cli-installer.sh | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script (Windows)

irm https://github.com/bos-cli-rs/bos-cli-rs/releases/latest/download/bos-cli-installer.ps1 | iex

Run prebuilt binaries with npx (Node.js)

npx bos-cli

Install prebuilt binaries into your npm project (Node.js)

npm install bos-cli

Install from source code (Cargo)

Before getting to installation, make sure you have Rust and system dependencies installed on your computer.

To install system dependencies:

Once system dependencies and Rust are installed you can install the latest released bos-cli from sources by using the following command:

cargo install bos-cli

or, install the most recent version from git repository:

$ cargo install --git https://github.com/bos-cli-rs/bos-cli-rs

GitHub Actions

Reusable Workflow

This repo contains a reusable workflow which you can directly leverage from your component repository

  1. Prepare access key that will be used for components deployment.

    It is recommended to use a dedicated function-call-only access key, so you need to:

    1.1. Add a new access key to your account, explicitly adding permissions to call the set method. Here is near CLI command to do that:

    near account add-key "ACCOUNT_ID" grant-function-call-access --allowance '1 NEAR' --receiver-account-id social.near --method-names 'set' autogenerate-new-keypair print-to-terminal network-config mainnet

    1.2. Grant write permission to the key (replace PUBLIC_KEY with the one you added to the account on the previous step, and ACCOUNT_ID with the account id where you want to deploy BOS components):

    near contract call-function as-transaction social.near grant_write_permission json-args '{"public_key": "PUBLIC_KEY", "keys": ["ACCOUNT_ID/widget"]}' prepaid-gas '100.000 TeraGas' attached-deposit '1 NEAR' sign-as "ACCOUNT_ID" network-config mainnet

    Note: The attached deposit is going to be used to cover the storage costs associated with the data you store on BOS, 1 NEAR is enough to store 100kb of data (components code, metadata, etc).

  2. In your repo, go to Settings > Secrets and Variables > Actions and create a new repository secret named SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY with the private key in ed25519:<private_key> format (if you followed (1.1), it is be printed in your terminal)

  3. Create a file at .github/workflows/deploy-mainnet.yml in your component repo with the following contents. See the workflow definition for explanations of the inputs

    name: Deploy Components to Mainnet
        branches: [main]
        uses: bos-cli-rs/bos-cli-rs/.github/workflows/deploy-mainnet.yml@master
          deploy-account-address: <FILL>
          signer-account-address: <FILL>
          signer-public-key: <FILL>
  4. Commit and push the workflow

  5. On changes to the main branch, updated components in src will be deployed!

Custom Workflow

Copy the contents of .github/workflows/deploy-mainnet.yml to your repo as a starting point