

Thumbnail Processor for Shopware 5

Software License

This plugin allows you to use variable thumbnails, if your filesystem (or storage-adapter) supports. It will add parameters to original image paths. So you are able to save storage and add new thumbnails on the fly.


Download the plugin from the release page and enable it in shopware.


You can activate using of Thumbnail Processor in plugin. Clear all caches after changing settings. This will access all thumbnails variable from original image. The thumbnail-files won't be needed anymore.


You can edit the thumbnail-template within the plugin-config. Defaults {mediaUrl}/{mediaPath}?width={width}&height={height}. Available variables with examples:

Removing unneeded thumbnails

To remove all thumbnails use following command. This will collect and remove all thumbnails related to the media manager: bin/console frosh:thumbnails:remove

Tested Supports

imgproxy Link

Tested with insecure environment for internal test-shops. Template example: http://localhost:8080/insecure/fit/{width}/{height}/sm/0/plain/{mediaUrl}/{mediaPath}.

BunnyCDN Link

You would have to active Bunny Optimizer and Manipulation Engine in your Zone in BunnyCDN.

Activate Manipulation Engine

Images.weserv.nl Link

An image cache & resize service. Manipulate images on-the-fly with a worldwide cache. Template example: https://images.weserv.nl/?url={mediaUrl}/{mediaPath}&w={width}&h={height}.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.