

<h1 align="center"> SidebarX 🔥 </h1> <h2 align="center"> Flutter multiplatform navigation sidebar / side navigationbar / drawer widget </h2> <p align="center">Show some ❤️ and <a href="https://github.com/Frezyx/sidebarx">star the repo</a> to support the project!</p>
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Getting started

Follow these steps to use this package

Add dependency

  sidebarx: ^0.17.1

Add import package

import 'package:sidebarx/sidebarx.dart';

Easy to use

The package is designed with maximum adaptation to large screens.<br> Therefore, adding a widget to your screen will be very simple.

      body: Row(
        children: [
            controller: SidebarXController(selectedIndex: 0),
            items: const [
              SidebarXItem(icon: Icons.home, label: 'Home'),
              SidebarXItem(icon: Icons.search, label: 'Search'),
          // Your app screen body

Use with small mobile screens

On small screens and mobile devices, you can use the ready-made Sidebar widget as your application's drawer for excellent UX. <br>Otherwise, leave the code unchanged and get the same experience

      drawer: SidebarX(
        controller: SidebarXController(selectedIndex: 0, extended: true),
        items: const [
          SidebarXItem(icon: Icons.home, label: 'Home'),
          SidebarXItem(icon: Icons.search, label: 'Search'),
      body: const Center(child: Text('Your app body')),

Additional information

The project is under development and ready for your pull-requests and issues 👍<br> Thank you for support ❤️

<br> <div align="center" > <p>Thanks to all contributors of this package</p> <a href="https://github.com/Frezyx/sidebarx/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=Frezyx/sidebarx" /> </a> </div> <br> <br> For help getting started with 😍 Flutter, view [online documentation](https://flutter.dev/docs), which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.