

Code Generation Classroom

Learn to use SwiftGen & Sourcery to avoid having to type repetitive, boring code and improve your productivity and your code's type safety & maintenance!


During the classroom, we'll learn how to install SwiftGen and Sourcery, but you are encouraged to download the following ZIP files in advance to have them around in your Download folders and avoid any download latency during the classroom:


During the classroom, we'll use the following websites

Walkthrough & Step-Commits

The classroom will consist of multiple steps that we'll go through together

💡 Be sure to keep that wiki open to follow along.

💡 In case you get lost or left behind, don't hesitate to look at the Step x.y markers in the wiki walkthrough and jump directly to the corresponding commit to catch up with the rest of the class!

Topics Overview

Discover the project



Bonus : Gyro

We won't probably have time to make a tour of Gyro, but if you're using Realm in your project, you'll likely be very interested in it.

It's again another Code-Generation tool, but this time to generate code (typically your Realm.Object classes) from .xcdatamodel, so that you can use Xcode's visual datamodel editor to edit your Realm model with a nice UI.