

Open TV

Completely rewritten to accommodate new features and to be even speedier, Open TV has been carefully crafted to deliver the best IPTV experience.

<a href="https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9PBWX3RKR1QX?launch=true&mode=mini"> <img src="https://get.microsoft.com/images/en-us%20dark.svg" width="350"/> </a> <a href="https://flathub.org/apps/dev.fredol.open-tv"> <img src="https://dl.flathub.org/assets/badges/flathub-badge-en.svg" width="300"/> </a> <a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/open-tv-bin"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fredolx/open-tv/refs/heads/main/readme_imgs/aur-open-tv.svg" width="350" /> </a>

This project NEEDS your help. Please consider donating on Github, Patreon, Paypal or directly by crypto

I've been developing and maintaining this project alone and for entirely for free over the past 2 years. I am in dire need of support to continue developing this project. I've never added annoying donation pop-ups or anything of the sort to make sure you have the fastest and cleanest IPTV experience and I'm committed to keep this project FREE & OPEN-SOURCE. To keep that commitment, I need your support!

Image of the app



If you are on Windows or use the flatpak on Linux; SKIP THIS PART.

The app depends on mpv, ffmpeg and yt-dlp. If you are on MacOS, you must use Brew or MacPorts to install those dependencies.

On Fedora, you must add rpmfusion to install those packages.

On Debian or LTS distro, I would strongly suggest using a backport for yt-dlp.

The Windows build comes with mpv included (.msi), but you can still install mpv from a package manager of your choice to always have the latest version installed

brew install mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp #MacOS
sudo dnf install mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp #Fedora
sudo zypper install mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp #OpenSUSE
sudo pacman -Syu mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp #Arch
sudo apt install mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp #Debian/Ubuntu
scoop install mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp # Windows
choco install mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp # Windows alternative


Feel free to submit any kind of feedback by creating a new issue.


If you have a tv remote or air mouse that has slightly different bindings for general nav (back, up, down, left, right), please open an issue and I will add them if it's feasible. Otherwise, you can still use hwdb to make them match OpenTV's bindings.

Settings explained

Stream Caching

Why enabling:

Why disabling:

Donate Crypto (Thank you!)














Open TV is an independent open-source project created to provide a fast and powerful IPTV experience. The name "Open TV" is used solely to represent this specific software and its purpose as described in the project documentation. Any other software, applications, or products bearing the same or similar name are unrelated to this project. Any resemblance to other software or applications is purely coincidental and unintended. We do not intend to cause confusion or imply affiliation with any other products or organizations that may share a similar name.