

:octocat: :rocket: GitHub Environment Variables Action

GitHub Action: View on Marketplace Demo: available Version: v2.8.0 Lint and Test license: MIT

A GitHub Action to expose useful environment variables.

Environment Variables exposed by this Action

Environment Variable NameDescriptionExample value
CI_REPOSITORY_SLUGThe slug of the owner and repository name (i.e. slug of FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action). The slug is truncated to 63 characters.franzdiebold-github-env-vars-action
CI_REPOSITORY_OWNERThe owner of the repository.FranzDiebold
CI_REPOSITORY_OWNER_SLUGThe slug of the owner of the repository. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.franzdiebold
CI_REPOSITORY_NAMEThe name of the repository.github-env-vars-action
CI_REPOSITORY_NAME_SLUGThe slug of the name of the repository. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.github-env-vars-action
CI_REPOSITORYThe owner and repository name. Copy of GITHUB_REPOSITORY - for reasons of completeness.FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action
CI_REF_SLUGThe slug of the branch, tag or PR number ref that triggered the workflow (i.e. slug of refs/heads/feat/feature-branch-1). <br>If neither a branch, tag or PR number is available for the event type, the variable will not exist. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.refs-heads-feat-feature-branch-1 or<br> refs-tags-v1-3-7 or<br> refs-pull-42-merge
CI_ACTION_REF_NAMEThe branch or tag name that triggered the workflow. For pull requests it is the head branch name.feat/feature-branch-1 or<br> v1.3.7
CI_ACTION_REF_NAME_SLUGThe slug of the branch or tag name that triggered the workflow. For pull requests it is the slug of the head branch name. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.feat-feature-branch-1 or<br> v1-3-7
CI_REF_NAMEThe branch name, tag name or PR number that triggered the workflow. <br>If neither a branch, tag or PR number is available for the event type, the variable will not exist.feat/feature-branch-1 or<br> v1.3.7 or<br> 42/merge
CI_REF_NAME_SLUGThe slug of the branch name, tag name or PR number that triggered the workflow. <br>If neither a branch, tag or PR number is available for the event type, the variable will not exist. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.feat-feature-branch-1 or<br> v1-3-7 or<br> 42-merge
CI_REFThe branch, tag or PR number ref that triggered the workflow. <br>If neither a branch, tag or PR number is available for the event type, the variable will not exist. Copy of GITHUB_REF - for reasons of completeness.refs/heads/feat/feature-branch-1 or<br> refs/tags/v1.3.7 or<br> refs/pull/42/merge
CI_HEAD_REF_SLUGThe slug of the head branch name. <br>Only set for event type pull request or forked repositories. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.feat-feature-branch-1
CI_HEAD_REFOnly set for forked repositories / pull request. The branch of the head repository / the head branch name. Copy of GITHUB_HEAD_REF - for reasons of completeness.feat/feature-branch-1
CI_BASE_REF_SLUGThe slug of the base branch name. <br>Only set for event type pull request or forked repositories. The slug is truncated to 63 characters.main
CI_BASE_REFOnly set for forked repositories / pull request. The branch of the base repository / the base branch name. Copy of GITHUB_BASE_REF - for reasons of completeness.main
CI_SHA_SHORTThe shortened commit SHA (8 characters) that triggered the workflow.ffac537e
CI_SHAThe commit SHA that triggered the workflow. Copy of GITHUB_SHA - for reasons of completeness.ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53
CI_PR_SHA_SHORTThe shortened latest commit SHA in the pull request's base branch. Short version of CI_PR_SHA. Only set for pull requests.010b249
CI_PR_SHAThe latest commit SHA in the pull request's base branch. Long version of CI_PR_SHA_SHORT. Only set for pull requests.010b2491902d50e8623934f5bc43763ff5991642
CI_PR_NUMBERThe number of the pull request. Only set for pull requests.42
CI_PR_IDCopy of CI_PR_NUMBER for completeness.42
CI_PR_TITLEThe title of the pull request. Only set for pull requests.Add feature xyz.
CI_PR_DESCRIPTIONThe description of the pull request. Only set for pull requests.The feature xyz is the [...]
CI_ACTORThe name of the person or app that initiated the workflow. Copy of GITHUB_ACTOR - for reasons of completeness.octocat
CI_EVENT_NAMEThe name of the webhook event that triggered the workflow. Copy of GITHUB_EVENT_NAME - for reasons of completeness.push or pull_request
CI_RUN_IDA unique number for each run within a repository. This number does not change if you re-run the workflow run. Copy of GITHUB_RUN_ID - for reasons of completeness.397746731
CI_RUN_NUMBERA unique number for each run of a particular workflow in a repository. This number begins at 1 for the workflow's first run, and increments with each new run. This number does not change if you re-run the workflow run. Copy of GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER - for reasons of completeness.73
CI_WORKFLOWThe name of the workflow. Copy of GITHUB_WORKFLOW - for reasons of completeness.Demo
CI_ACTIONThe unique identifier (id) of the action. Copy of GITHUB_ACTION - for reasons of completeness.run2

The slugified values are designed to be used in a URL.

Default Environment Variables exposed by GitHub

For a full list of default environment variables exposed by GitHub see https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/reference/environment-variables#default-environment-variables.

Environment Variable NameDescriptionExample value
GITHUB_ACTORThe name of the person or app that initiated the workflow.octocat
GITHUB_REPOSITORYThe owner and repository name.FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action
GITHUB_SHAThe commit SHA that triggered the workflow.ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53
GITHUB_REFThe branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow. <br>If neither a branch or tag is available for the event type, the variable will not exist.refs/heads/feat/feature-branch-1
GITHUB_HEAD_REFOnly set for forked repositories / pull request. The branch of the head repository / the head branch name.feat/feature-branch-1
GITHUB_BASE_REFOnly set for forked repositories / pull request. The branch of the base repository / the base branch name.main
GITHUB_EVENT_NAMEThe name of the webhook event that triggered the workflow.push
GITHUB_RUN_IDA unique number for each run within a repository. This number does not change if you re-run the workflow run.397746731
GITHUB_RUN_NUMBERA unique number for each run of a particular workflow in a repository. This number begins at 1 for the workflow's first run, and increments with each new run. This number does not change if you re-run the workflow run.73
GITHUB_WORKFLOWThe name of the workflow.Demo
GITHUB_ACTIONThe unique identifier (id) of the action.run2

:rocket: Example usage

  - uses: FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action@v2
  - name: Print environment variables
    run: |
      echo "CI_REF_SLUG=$CI_REF_SLUG"
      echo "CI_REF_NAME=$CI_REF_NAME"
      echo "CI_REF=$CI_REF"
      echo "CI_HEAD_REF=$CI_HEAD_REF"
      echo "CI_BASE_REF=$CI_BASE_REF"
      echo "CI_SHA=$CI_SHA"
      echo "CI_PR_SHA=$CI_PR_SHA"
      echo "CI_PR_ID=$CI_PR_ID"
      echo "CI_PR_TITLE=$CI_PR_TITLE"
      echo "CI_ACTOR=$CI_ACTOR"
      echo "CI_RUN_ID=$CI_RUN_ID"
      echo "CI_ACTION=$CI_ACTION"


A demo for all Operating systems (Linux, macOS and Windows) is also available in the demo workflows file of this repository!