

<img src="Rellow/Assets/_Other/web_hi_res_512.png" alt="drawing" width="72"/> Rellow

<img height="60px" alt='Get it on Google Play' src='https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en_badge_web_generic.png'/> <img height="60px" src='https://assets.windowsphone.com/85864462-9c82-451e-9355-a3d5f874397a/English_get-it-from-MS_InvariantCulture_Default.png' alt='English badge' />

Rellow is a concentration game in which you have to choose the right colored button between all buttons available... On the top of the screen you will see a word that tells you which is the right color, but this won't be so simple because the word itself is colored with another color.

As you win, the difficulty will increase: you will have more colors to choose from and less time to decide!


<img align="left" style="margin-left: 4px;" src="https://github.com/FrancescoBonizzi/Rellow/raw/master/Rellow/Assets/_Other/Screenshots/En/1.png" width="150"> <img align="left" style="margin-left: 4px;" src="https://github.com/FrancescoBonizzi/Rellow/raw/master/Rellow/Assets/_Other/Screenshots/En/2.png" width="150"> <img align="left" style="margin-left: 4px;" src="https://github.com/FrancescoBonizzi/Rellow/raw/master/Rellow/Assets/_Other/Screenshots/En/5.png" width="150"> <img style="margin-left: 4px;" src="https://github.com/FrancescoBonizzi/Rellow/raw/master/Rellow/Assets/_Other/Screenshots/En/7.png" width="150">

The game is entirely free and open source: I didn't use any third party library to track or log user events. There are no ads too.

I coded this game with these libraries:

If you like my work, please consider to offer me an espresso! ;-)