

Karma Benchmark.js Reporter

A configurable Karma reporter for the karma-benchmark plugin.


npm install karma-benchmark karma-benchmarkjs-reporter --save-dev

Karma Configuration

Add benchmark to your frameworks and reporters arrays. Optionally, specify a benchmarkReporter config object:

module.exports = function(config) {
    // ...
    frameworks: ["benchmark"],
    reporters: ["benchmark"],
    // optional configuration object :
    benchmarkReporter: {
      colors: config.colors,
      style: style,
      decorator: "-",
      terminalWidth: 60,
      hzWidth: 4,
      hzUnits: "ops/sec",
      browserWidth: 40,
      showBrowser: false,
      showSuiteSummary: false,
      formatBenchmark: formatBenchmark,
      formatSuiteHeading: formatSuiteHeading,
      formatSuiteSummary: formatSuiteSummary



default: true

This value is inherited from Karma, but you can override it by specifying a boolean.



  benchmark: chalk.stripColor,
  summaryBenchmark: chalk.underline,
  summaryEmphasis: chalk.bold.underline,
  browser: chalk.blue,
  decorator: chalk.cyan,
  hz: chalk.green,
  hzUnits: chalk.italic.dim,
  suite: chalk.bold.magenta

The style object contains the styling functions for each piece of data. The default uses chalk for styling and color.


default: "-"

The decorator for the beginning of each benchmark row.


default: 60

The default formatting functions attempt to match this column width for each row. There is still possibility for overflow.


default: 4

The default formatting functions use this to pad the formatted hz string.


default: "ops/sec"

The string placed after the hz as units.


default: 40

The default formatting functions use this to pad the browser name.


default: false

The default formatting functions only output the browser name if set to true. It is useful if you are benchmarking multiple browsers.


default: false

Specify if you want to call the formatSuiteSummary function at the end of a suite.

Formatting functions

If you override the default formatting functions, you must ensure that your functions take into account the other configuration values (if you want to use them).

View the default formatting functions

 * @param  {Object} benchmark the benchmark to be formatted
 * @param  {Object} browser the browser associated with the benchmark
 * @param  {Object} benchConfig the benchmarkReporter config obj
 * @return {string} the formatted benchmark
var formatBenchmark = function (benchmark, browser, benchConfig) {...};

 * @param  {string} suiteName name of performance suite
 * @param  {Object} browser browser object
 * @param  {Object} benchConfig benchmarkReporter config object
 * @return {string} formatted suite heading
var formatSuiteHeading = function (suiteName, browser, benchConfig) {...};

 * @param  {Object[]} suite array of browserBenchmarks: `{browser: {Obj}, benchmark: {Obj}`
 * @param  {Object} benchConfig benchmarkReporter config obj
 * @return {string} the formatted suite summary
var formatSuiteSummary = function (suite, benchConfig) {

Maintenance Status

Archived: This project is no longer maintained by Formidable. We are no longer responding to issues or pull requests unless they relate to security concerns. We encourage interested developers to fork this project and make it their own!