


Build Status License Swift Version

A validator for postal codes with support for 200+ regions.

import Foundation
import PostalCodeValidator

if let validator = PostalCodeValidator(locale: .current) { // United States (US)
    validator.validate(postalCode: "95014") // true
    validator.validate(postalCode: "22162-1010") // true

    validator.validate(postalCode: "1234567") // false
    validator.validate(postalCode: "INVALID") // false

// 248 regions supported
if let validator = PostalCodeValidator(regionCode: "JP") { // Japan (JP)
    validator.validate(postalCode: "154-0023") // true
    validator.validate(postalCode: "12345") // false

Note: Only the region of a locale is used to determine validation rules. To validate the postal code for a particular region, you can construct a locale using an identifier with the "und" language code.



Swift Package Manager

Add the PostalCodeValidator package to your target dependencies in Package.swift:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "YourProject",
  dependencies: [
        url: "https://github.com/FormatterKit/PostalCodeValidator",
        from: "0.1.0"

Then run the swift build command to build your project.

Known Issues

Additional Details

The CLDR previously maintained a list of postal code formats, but that information was deprecated in v27.

Following the guidance of the twitter-cldr-rb project, PostalCodeValidator sources its information from http://i18napis.appspot.com. The most recent release of this software uses information retrieved from the website on November 27, 2019.




Mattt (@mattt)