

Ford AV Dataset Tutorial

This Tutorial contains installation instructions for the packages released along with Ford Multi AV Dataset. For more details please visit the website.


To get more details about the Ford AV Dataset, please visit avdata.ford.com

System Requirements

This code repository has been tested on on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic, Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic and Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic



These packages depend on

Clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the packages using the following snippet. If you do not have a catkin workspace, please read this tutorial to create one.

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/Ford/AVData.git
cd ../
source devel/setup.bash

Package Description

Dataset Download

To get with quickly started, download the sample data. In order to download more data, visit the download page of the website


In order to run the demo, you will need the rosbag, maps and the calibration files. These can be downloaded here. Once you have these files, run the demo launch file using

roslaunch ford_demo demo.launch map_dir:=/path/to/map/folder/ calibration_dir:=/path/to/calibration/folder/

In a new terminal, run the rosbag file

rosbag play /path/to/your/bag/file/name.bag

To view the live lidar pointcloud, in a new terminal, run the launch file

roslaunch ford_demo multi_lidar_convert.launch


In order to convert bag files to human readable csv files, we provide a python script bag_to_csv.py. This python script uses a yaml config file to determine which topics need to be converted to csv files. A sample config.yaml file is provided in the ford_demo/scripts folder. In order to convert a bag file, run the the following command

python bag_to_csv /path/to/your/bag/file/name.bag /path/to/the/config/file/name.yaml


For further details, please refer to the following paper:

Siddharth Agarwal, Ankit Vora, Gaurav Pandey, Wayne Williams, Helen Kourous and James McBride, "Ford Multi-AV Seasonal Dataset", in arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.07969,2020.[arxiv][pdf]

If you use this dataset, please cite our paper or use the following Bibtex.

    title={Ford Multi-AV Seasonal Dataset},
    author={Siddharth Agarwal and Ankit Vora and Gaurav Pandey and Wayne Williams and Helen Kourous and James McBride},