



Please.js is a polite companion that wants to help you make your projects beautiful. It uses HSV color space to create random pleasing colors as well as color schemes based on a given color. It has two core functions and a bunch of little helpers for you to use.

	h: 145,
	s: .7,
	v: .6
	scheme_type: 'triadic',
	format: 'rgb-string'




The make_color function by default will generate and return a random hex string using the golden ratio to ensure that the color will look nice on your screen.

You can also pass an options object to make_color and have it do a whole bunch of different things.

make_color options:

Here are the defaults for each option:

	hue: null,
	saturation: null,
	value: null,
	base_color: '',
	greyscale: false,
	grayscale: false,
	golden: true,
	full_random: false,
	colors_returned: 1,
	format: 'hex',

Here is an example of a fully random color call:

	golden: false,
	full_random: true

Here is an example that will produce 100 reds as RGB strings:

	golden: false,
	base_color: 'red',
	colors_returned: 100,
	format: 'rgb-string'


The second core function allows Please to make a color scheme for you.


The make scheme function will return a series of colors based upon the color and options you feed it. The base_color must be in HSV color space and is an object in the format of

	h: ___,
	s: ___,
	v: ___

make_scheme options:

Here is an example of a complementary scheme in hex:

	h: 130,
	s: .7.
	v: .75
	scheme_type: 'complement',
	format: 'hex'

Here is an example that will produce a triadic scheme in rgb-strings:

	h: 130,
	s: .7.
	v: .75
	scheme_type: 'triadic',
	format: 'rgb-string'

Here are the defaults for each option:

	scheme_type: 'analogous',
	format: 'hex'

Other Methods

Please also has some bonus features. It allows you to convert freely between the color formats of RGB, HSV, and HEX.

RGB_to_HEX() HEX_to_RGB() RGB_to_HSV() HSV_to_RGB() HEX_to_HSV() HSV_to_HEX()

conversion from HSV or RGB expect an object with the properties

	r: 0-255,
	g: 0-255,
	b: 0-255


	h: 0-360,
	s: 0.0-1.0,
	v: 0,0-1.0

respectively, while converstions from HEX expect a string. Return formats are modeled the same way as the arguments.

In addition Please, can convert from an HTML color name into HEX, RGB, or HSV.


These functions take a string and return a HEX string or an RGB/HSV object.

I hope you enjoy using Please. Have fun, and remember to say the magic word.
