


A simple GTK wrapper that installs and updates the Adwaita for Steam skin.

<p align="center"><img src="img/screen.png?raw=true" /></p>


Available on Flathub

<a href="https://flathub.org/apps/details/io.github.Foldex.AdwSteamGtk"> <img width="200" alt="Download on Flathub" src="https://flathub.org/assets/badges/flathub-badge-i-en.svg"/> </a> <br/>

Arch AUR Build (Unofficial)

<a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/adwsteamgtk"> <img width="200" alt="Unofficial AUR build" src="https://img.shields.io/aur/version/adwsteamgtk?style=for-the-badge"> </a>

Skin Install

  1. Install via app
  2. Restart Steam if running

Skin Updates

On Startup new releases will automatically be downloaded and display a notification:

<p align="center"><img src="img/update.png?raw=true" /></p>

Simply reinstall the skin afterwards to update.

Command Line Usage

flatpak run io.github.Foldex.AdwSteamGtk

--check-cChecks for updates and displays a notification
--install-iChecks for updates and installs them, always installs
--options-oOverrides Install Options, see below
--update-uChecks for updates and installs them

Install Options

By default installs with -i/-u will use your last selected settings within the app.

You may override this by using -o option.

Please note that these options are one time overrides, they will not save themselves.

Options should be passed as a single string like so:

flatpak run io.github.Foldex.AdwSteamGtk -i -o 'option_name:option_value;option_name:option_value'

KeyDescriptionAccepted Values
color_themeColortheme for skinAny valid theme name
library_sidebarDisplay Options for Library Sidebarshow, hover_only
library_whats_newShow the Library What's New Sectiontrue, false, yes, no, on, off, t, f, y, n
login_qrDisplay Options for the QR Code Loginshow, hover_only, hide
rounded_cornersShow Rounded Corners on Elementstrue, false, yes, no, on, off, t, f, y, n
win_controlsWindow Controls Themesadwaita, macos, windows
win_controls_layoutWindow Controls Layout of Buttonsauto, adwaita, elementary, macos, windows


See Troubleshooting


<a href="https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/adwsteamgtk/"> <img src="https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/adwsteamgtk/-/adwsteamgtk/multi-auto.svg" alt="Translation status" /> </a>

The Weblate platform is the preferred method of contributing translations.

Manual Instructions do exist for an alternative method of contributing as well.


It is recommended to use Gnome Builder or flatpak-builder to build the project.

flatpak install org.gnome.Platform//47 org.gnome.Sdk//47
flatpak-builder --install --force-clean --user build-dir io.github.Foldex.AdwSteamGtk.json

See the below requirements otherwise.
